Oh, my God. What have you done?!

Second major patch in a row with day 1 problems. Did they lay off the internal testers or something?


i’m really curious how this could be an issue when the patch that went live was working well on ptr

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I would assume it’s permanent, or I hope so for people who don’t want a role lock or for groups of friends who wanna screw around.

I don’t like having to choose my hero before I even know what map I’m playing on.


Assuming isn’t enough sadly :frowning:

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I wish they would tell us. Its been weeks since they released the Role Q vid, and told us about QP Classic. Yet, in all that time, they cant/wont answer one simple question.

Honestly, call me cynical, if you wish, but i think they are doing it to cover their own butts. If they say its not a permanent mode, there will be backlash, before its even introduced. But, if they do say it’s a permanent mode and, for whatever reason, they change it to a rotating mode, people will be like: “But, they said it would be permanent. Wtf?!”

So, in true Blizzard/OverWatch fashion, they just keep silent about the important things and hope everyone just moves on with their lives. Hey, they do/did it with Lore, why not something like QP Classic?

Again, I know this may sound cynical, but they havent really done much to garner my trust or make me have faith, in their decision making. And ive only been playing a little less than a year. Im sure the vets that have been playing since launch (or thereabouts) and have been on this rollarcoaster ride, for years, are even more hesitant and less than optimistic, than myself.

Just calling it, as i see it :man_shrugging:


How hard can it be to test a patch before it goes live?

Sent all the interns home early on patch day, did we?


Jeff said that it’s in Arcade and there to stay forever.

Didn’t he?

Well, you know, theyre a small Indie company. I mean, my heavens, theyre just barely keeping the lights on, dont you know? /s


Part of me wants to hope it was some Blizzard employee that realizes doing this in QP is a mistake so by dropping it in like this and letting the forums literally burst into flames over it as a warning.



But at this point they can put QP classic in the QP menu and role queue beside it and see which one comes out more popular


Should be the other way around - QP classic shouldn’t be touched…if you want RQ then you play in the arcade…QP should be fluid and free for all not constrained


Well, you should probably suggest they just go ahead and apply Role Queue. Might as well rip that bandaid off right now.


As expected, “QP Classic” is gonna be on stupid rotation, probably with No Limits (actual classic QP). Obviously Jeff approved of this. I seriously expected it to be like LFG when you click QP and a window pops up asking for a role, but nope. Too much work, I guess.

Why couldn’t the split QP between No Limits, “6 DPS” and 2-2-2? That when you go QP it asks which version you want? Oh right, cause it would “distract playerbase from the serious QP”, I forgot.

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Because I don’t have to focus on breaking a shield all game. Because I don’t have to look after my healers or to try to kill their healers. Because i can play the hero i want and not being called useless by people who don’t even look at the kill feed.
It’s pretty great actually.


i don’t want to be force to play tank everytime i wanna play some dps. i win most of my games 5 dps or 6 dps. jeff can you remove the enforced role on qp and keep it on comp? thanks(due to my lag ofc)

Buy a faster computer with a quicker internet connection, of course…

A friend of mine told me it happens because we can now choose to update the game later and not right away when it appears (another genius idea ^^).

I was able to play with my usual stack of 6 and I was the only one that had this bug where I couldn’t switch roles once I chose one at the beginning (because I did the update and they didn’t).

Sometimes I was able to choose heroes within two roles like between tanks and supports.

Maybe that’s the hidden flex role most wanted haha.

Gosh, I thought people would start complaining about 2-2-2 a few weeks after its live release xD… This is beyond my expectations haha !

Take responsibility for the system you wanted guys ^^ !

Well quickplay is supposed to be unchanged until sept 1st but the bug made it in its current form.

Only competitive is supposed to be 2-2-2 until sept 1st. Then quickplay follows 2-2-2 and quickplay classic goes into the arcade.

The maint should turn quickplay back to normal

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