Oh! Member when... 🍇

The PTR changes doesn’t really count but ok.

member when they didn’t try and rework every hero on the roster?

That’s literally what your post is. A PTR change. I thought I was just adding to what you said.

That’s a lotta damage “maybe”

Not really a good example tbh, they just tuned down ridiculous nerfs.
I can’t really find any good examples either unfortunately :confused: They’re just too nontransparent and stubborn.

Right. I forgot it didn’t go live yet.

Then there are 0 revers. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Well, the Mei and Mercy one will go through and then everyone’s gonna complain Mei is OP, like they did last time, because she’s head shotting them from across the map.

It’s gonna be full of icicle glory.

I think we just have found a widow replacement.

I do. It’s South Park of course! MEMBERBERRIES

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Yeah, probably gonna take a break when that patch comes out.

Oh the good old days of no internet.


They reworked Sym right after the game came out. And they reworked bastion during the beta, try again Kiddo

How long ago was that? They’ve been giving heroes new abilities and they already reworked sym and mercy completely, now they’re going for torb

They grape icon looks really good for some reason, and now I want grapes lol

I don’t and also that’s a terrible way to balance something.

Doesn’t matter what they said, people twisted and turned their words, anything said would result in a backlash, even just Jeff replying what his fav. music or something is would result in people asking “What about symm/mercy etc.”

If you are meaning the pro’s it’s simple.

Money talks.

south park’s newer memes are really dumb.

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I remember when they gutted pretty much everysingle dps hero in the game and dps mains were like “k i adapt”.

But sup and tank mains seem way different.

I member when member was written remember.

…'twas not too long ago.

Hai yuh, tank main here.
I keep on tanking along. The trick is knowing which tank you need for the situation.
The only case I found where tanking is just about impossible, is with a team that doesn’t support their tank(s). Along side facing a team of 1 mercy, 1 tank buster, 2 tanks, and 2 dps. Very specific.
Then I just switch to Mei. My precious mini tank~ :blue_heart: