Oh m g... another overlooked issue

You should get assists if you ping an enemy, much like hanzo / widows reveal skills.

The fear : People will try to “ping” on a dying enemy?
The reality : anyone who “pings” in in the first place should be reward for scouting out enemies and revealing their location.

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Not sure it’s an “issue” at all, it’s just a design choice.

I prefer the system as it is now.

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Yeah, seems like someone who just wants constant pats on the back and reassurance that they are doing things.


I respectfully disagree… but thats OK!

my stance is, its a form of reward to help bring the team some information. Its also systematic meaning they dont need to judge or moderate the voice for quality, they can easily tell if someone pings someone and how many people ARE looking at the target already.

Again for me, how can we bring as much information to the team without voice.


Surely, if you ping something, and that something is then eliminated… That’s all you need.

You can see the job was done.

Stats would just be misinterpreted and misused like they are now leading to more utterly pointless threads flaming team mates for not doing what they are told

All the information is already on your screen.

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Nah, then you could ping someone right before they die for an assist

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Why do you guys even care about assists?


I dont really but if they added this then people would go out of their way to ping stuff for no good reason

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Ping spam for assists.

At least you look busy while throwing games :rofl:


When the system took your performance into account this made sense, then again it could incentivise stat padding and easily I might add. While I see your point I don’t think it’s applicable for the majority of the community. Unfortunately.

It’s too easy to receive any type of reward. It’s easier than sombras right click to instantly counter a GM tracer. Things that are difficult should be rewarded, the rest is just neutral.

Why wouldnt you care about assists?

I barely care about elims damage and healing but I care about those way more than assists