Oh Look Sym Ignored AGAIN


See definitions in:


  1. occurring once every year.

How do you think these are the same thing? You have no grasp at all of the english language?

ya buncha nerds it was just a sh*tpost don’t sweat it

Depends how spawns actually work, but a little bit of getting back faster and the fact that the fights seem to take a little longer due to both teams being able to leave the point whenever they want with little downside so snowballing and disengaging with tp should be very strong

remember, this is blizzard
soon is something they love to say, yet means literally nothing, it doesnt even mean it is going to happen (in this case i believe it to be true)
but youre right, patience…

your biggest buff as a player would be a possibilty to press H-button at spawn. Hero is very speciefic.

The game needs op heroes toned down more than it needs heroes buffed

Good, nobody likes her and her original design is flawed

the second she gets out of F tier the second the game is tragically bad

Did you not read where I said “Edit” or did you not grasp the English Language? I didn’t delete what I said because I owned my mistake, now own yours like a good kid, kay pumkin?

A real thunderstorm coming

you edited, and then were still incorrect. lol. All you did was change one mistake to another.

She will get a (hopefully) proper rework with OW2.
Don’t expect anything to happen until then.

oh look, sym keep doig the same things and expect different results.
Steevoo I summon you bruw!

calm down she already has 2 anniversary skins😕

having said that, i will be complaining if she doesnt get a good summer skin😎