Oh Look Sym Ignored AGAIN

If it makes you feel any better, Sym had 200hp in the OW2 gameplay lul

She can’t even keep her 225hp buff…

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Hopefully we get a pride skin!

Yeah, well other heroes have had to put up with that too. Just look at Doomfist and, again, Bastion. But these heroes are being heavily reevaluated for a sequel that will be played quite differently from OW1. So, balancing them around this game when they will be quite different in the foreseeable future is a bit weird. Its precisely why these heroes aren’t being changed much.

Trust me when I say, I get how it feels. I main Bastion. But it just makes more sense this way

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I hope Symmetra mains get better treatment in OW2 coming from a Lucio main.


The irony of it, is that Symmetra newer design keeps going further and further away from what the traditional Symmetra mains wants after every complain for a rework.

Sombra mains have learned from the Symmetra rework history and tried their best from getting Sombra rework as much as possible, and overall, kept a large chunk of the Sombra mains happy. Yes she’s weak in ladder, but Sombra mains are well aware of it, and also know of Sombra potential when used correctly.

Symmetra already has so much pride it takes Pharah three jumps to reach the tip of her nose.

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Ngl it’s arguable that Sym with rein is like at minimum an A tier DPS moving to S on control, this is probably the best sym has ever been unless you consider being used on the first point of 2cp in gold games good.

The main issue with sym is only her onetricks want to play her, and nobody wants to play against her. The best place sym can be is underrated as she is now

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Question - Is the “few months or so” just a guess or did they say they’ll be showing it off soon?

With the removal of 2CP in flavour for Push in OW2, the value of Symmetra teleport ability has diminished a lot. It’s not that surprising she will get rework.

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IIRC they said they’ll show us more towards the end of the year. I don’t remember where I saw this though (maybe the blog post) so take it with a grain of salt.

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If anything push I think would see more sym

Your point was that shes being ignored. The devs have made it clear with the AMA she’s not.


She’ll be alright. YOU’LL be alright.

I don’t think Sym has any pressing balance issues and I’m happy to see heroes nerfed around her.

Realistically just fix her horrendous TP bugs.

-A Sym main who will be loud and incessant when I feel she’s weak / being left behind in the balance department

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Due to the verticality of the map designs? Or as a taxi for getting to the robot faster?

Where is the two years coming from?

Maybe she will get some love in Ow2

Neither one of those is correct, lol.


bi·​en·​ni·​al | \ (ˌ)bī-ˈe-nē-əl \

Definition of biennial

1**:** occurring every two years a biennial celebration

2**:** continuing or lasting for two years specifically, of a plant : growing vegetatively during the first year and fruiting and dying during the secondBiennial herbs flower in their second year.

Source : Webster

But was does merriam-webster know?