Oh boy a ptr update

I wonder what it’ll be this time

mei wall perhaps?

At 1 AM? Really?

surprising i know. IDK what it is

Technically its 9 pm.

found the west coaster


Technically it’s 8 AM.

found the european too

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I’m not european… it’s 1 AM my time.

i know but its 8 AM somewhere in Europe.

but to take a guess, canada??

Precisely. Not Australia

What could possibly make you think it has something to do with Mei wall’s collision?

jeff mentioned it earlier

This was a good hint.

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You know, I was hoping for Mei nerfs before, but I tried to play her and now I’m hoping they leave her alone.

Technically its 2PM in Tokyo

Technically it’s high noon somewhere.


while im still here

Did you know?: Zenyatta actually does have 2 toes on each foot. Strange but surprisingly a thing for some reason


huge buffs for Bastion and Symmetra inbound

Inb4 they get nerfed.

Do we know if there is any changes?