Official Season 9 Patch Notes


  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Frag Launcher

  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.25 to 0.2 meters.

What in the world am I reading? How is there a Junk nerf hidden in a patch that already makes him F tier?


The only part I dont like is the lowering of skill caps on everybody…I don’t think you should ever do that…and this is across the board

The official patch notes does say that to lol

What are you gonna do? Do you think you’d find something incriminating if it wasn’t hidden

i think the logic, and i could be wrong but based on how its written

this is a nerf to the BASE size of the projectile, that is then goin to get buffed by the global change

because the notes specifically say

Most damage-dealing projectile sizes have been increased by a new global modifier added to their base size.

if this is true then junkrats nades would be overall buffed to .35m

i have a feelin thats also why they nerfed sojourns rail to .7 and kiri’s kunai to .15

I don’t see in what universe D.Va isn’t gutter trash.

There is a global buff and maybe it’d be too big if they didn’t nerf the base size of it

So instead of like 3.5m projectiles they’re 3m

Quoted for emphasis.

See above.


It’s still a nerf compared to other heroes who don’t get the same nerf to the base size. Pre-emptively, to a hero who is realistically going to be trash tier.

We know what’s behind it. It’s no secret. You go carry on being bronze. I’ll keep talking as the high diamond/low masters player that i am and i’ll be heard

Well tbf they are pretty big already so it makes sense

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I can’t even view my own profile lmao cos I changed my name so the link doesn’t work

High diamond LMAO is that what people are flexing now

You are not being heard that’s why your precious Roadhog and Mauag are not getting buffed

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Yeah lets just take away his entire value then make sure what little compensation is there for him is lessened compared to the other heroes. For real. Makes sense.

Well it wouldn’t be the first time the official patch notes got her stats wrong

Being in the higher tiers of players, above the average is definitely something to be proud of. Not that you’d ever know

I’m really sorry to burst your bubble but diamond is not a high rank

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I wouldn’t even consider GM5 a high rank at this point so many boosted players in it.
In OW1 I would’ve said Masters is a high rank.

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The Pharah rework got toned down significantly from the leaks. Her bonus movement speed from hover went from +100% to +40% and she can no longer charge her fuel to 200% on the ground.

Yeah the difference between like an OW2 GM5 and an OW1 GM5 is night and day

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Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

Idk about this change they seem to be trying to make the game easier and more welcoming to new players at the cost of lowering the skill ceiling.

I mean, okay, I guess?

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

I know they did this change to make his burst combo more consistent to keep up with the HP changes but I think doom will end up being pretty good this season.

Hell yeah, as long as it doesn’t get cleansed this ult is going to remain good even with the HP buffs

hell yeah, some rein buffs, hopefully feels impactful.

Another season of F tier ball, not his season, ig.

I guess this makes up for the ult change a while back too.

He needed more than this. Another season of F tier cass

I’m not sure how many extra swings this is, but hopefully it makes up for nano blade losing its break points and normal blade being even worse against the cast now, we’ll see how this goes.

You nerfed Junkrat??? He lost his combo with this health buff too. Cass better make room for Junk down there in the gutters.


I really do hope this change coupled with the HP increase is enough to curb sojourn oppression.

That’s it???

idk about this one chief, brig gonna be out here swinging for what.



Why the…

Where the bap nerfs???