Official Season 9 Patch Notes

Being in the higher tiers of players, above the average is definitely something to be proud of. Not that you’d ever know

I’m really sorry to burst your bubble but diamond is not a high rank

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I wouldn’t even consider GM5 a high rank at this point so many boosted players in it.
In OW1 I would’ve said Masters is a high rank.

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The Pharah rework got toned down significantly from the leaks. Her bonus movement speed from hover went from +100% to +40% and she can no longer charge her fuel to 200% on the ground.

Yeah the difference between like an OW2 GM5 and an OW1 GM5 is night and day

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Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

Idk about this change they seem to be trying to make the game easier and more welcoming to new players at the cost of lowering the skill ceiling.

I mean, okay, I guess?

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

I know they did this change to make his burst combo more consistent to keep up with the HP changes but I think doom will end up being pretty good this season.

Hell yeah, as long as it doesn’t get cleansed this ult is going to remain good even with the HP buffs

hell yeah, some rein buffs, hopefully feels impactful.

Another season of F tier ball, not his season, ig.

I guess this makes up for the ult change a while back too.

He needed more than this. Another season of F tier cass

I’m not sure how many extra swings this is, but hopefully it makes up for nano blade losing its break points and normal blade being even worse against the cast now, we’ll see how this goes.

You nerfed Junkrat??? He lost his combo with this health buff too. Cass better make room for Junk down there in the gutters.


I really do hope this change coupled with the HP increase is enough to curb sojourn oppression.

That’s it???

idk about this one chief, brig gonna be out here swinging for what.



Why the…

Where the bap nerfs???

it does make sense though lol

a .4 projectile is massive

you have to think of it from a balancing perspective, they removed the combo because it wasnt fun to play into but then made the nades more consistent but they were TOO consistent at .4 so they nerfed it to .35

yes the cheesy rat playstyle is less effective if not outright dead, but thats an overall buff to the game even though its a nerf to the rat

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Yeah we don’t need Junkrat launching damn near Symmetra bowling ball grenades at people. No matter how easy they are to dodge you have to think about the people that can actually aim with the hero

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Compare the speed of his projectile and the arc to other projectiles. Look at Pharah. Her rockets are the same size but are 60% faster, fire in a straight line and she has more ammo. Junk has a .1 faster rate of fire. Great.

Then look at their kits.

You guys need to make up your minds. He loses his combo but nobody wants him to get consistent directs either. What exactly do you expect him to do? He has the slowest projectiles in the entire game with an arc that range caps him as well.

I think we should see how consistent they are with the global buffs because it is a pretty big increase

and if it still sucks i’m not opposed to buffing him, but i don’t think making them that big would be necessary just yet

Junk isn’t inconsistent due to his projectile size. Increasing it doesn’t solve the problem.

It’s a preemptive nerf since his projectiles are affected by the global increase. Otherwise he’d be shooting canon balls


Syms current orbs are .5 and travel at twice the speed. Nobody has trouble moving out of the way.

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Awww op’s topic wasn’t the legit note post :frowning_face:

You’re the wrong one! I’m telling! Where’s robot mod-daddy? He’ll right this wrong in 1-3 business days. Ha-ha!

:wink: :+1: Noice

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Junkrat officially died with season 9

instead of 0.25 + 0.15 = 0.4

now he gets 0.2 + 0.15 = 0.35

I know. He’s getting less of a buff than the other heroes because he was pre-emptively nerfed. Since clearly he’s going to be an absolute menace without his combo.

all heroes that combo dependent also suffer this

so like genji, doom, ana and your fav junk

they allready said they plan to further adjust individual hero that need tuning, so i figure maybe they get compensation or something idk

There isn’t a hero in the entire game as reliant on a combo as Junkrat is on his. Yet he’s getting pre-emptively nerfed on top of losing the combo.

Oh please this is Blizzard they’re going to take 6 months to fix anything.

uh u should try play genji and kill anything without using any dash / melee / deflect