(Official) Ow2 Beta 2 Patch notes:

The Winston change seems good to me, in the previous beta I did feel the extra 100 shield wasn’t necessary.

I don’t see the need for the Doomfist change considering the general value I saw people around plat~diamond range (which I consider avg) get out of him wasn’t much.

I preferred the way Orisa functioned before, it was unique with the shrinking projectiles and forced players to get close, not really liking how her changes sound on paper. It seems they removed a lot of the fun aspects out of the kit. I don’t know how I’ll really feel until I get on the beta later hopefully.

Bastion change seems fine for more Parkour, last beta I felt it was a bit long for the usual value most people get out of it.

Everything else seems like either fine or whatever, I’d need to feel it in gameplay.

As a support it now takes 1.5 seconds before your healing has an effect? Is that right?
Also what moira changes are you expecting exactly? A buff or a nerf? Probably a nerf knowing my luck. It’s a conspiracy.

I mean they just nerfed sym sooo

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Orisa + D.va changes: Good, and likely needed.
Rein + Winston changes: Also probably needed, Winston’s barrier felt a bit too good and Rein was a bit too sturdy.
Mercy changes: I’ll have to test it first, but my initial impression is: Ewww
Doomfist changes: He sucks everywhere but OWL, so I guess we can see where their priorities are…
Symmetra changes: Wow they hate her.

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I dislike how this Junker Queen has a knife that can pull you just like roadhog’s hook. Like we need another roadhog.

This is so unnecessary, why try to fix what isn’t broken

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Read through it a bit more


  • Alternate Fire = 100% increase projectile travel speed
  • Teleporter = 100% faster build speed, 40% less cooldown downtime

Still net nerfs. Reduced damage for harder to hit projectiles

Every DPS

  • Buffed basically every ability for no reason to please the horde of DPS mains.

Every Tank

  • Nerfed everything to please the horde of DPS mains, except roadhog to please the horde of roadhog mains.

Well yeah, if it were me, I’d add this to Symmetra:


  • Alternate fire can charge up the Primary Charge Levels
  • Charge Levels increase the charge speed of Alternate Fire


  • Teleporter can only move one pre-existing sentry
  • Initial Primary Fire damage increased from 60 to 100

I think your missing a bunch of notes. Also using percentages to make the change look like it’s better then it really is… naughty grey tisk tisk

50 projectile speed up from 25
6sec of teleporter downtime, instead of 10sec

Same diff really.

It’s downloading it’s downloading omg it’s downloading it’s nearly done I can’t believe it.

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Oh I did. You left out the:
Alternate fire: Now only does 90 damage and takes .2 seconds longer to charge and uses more ammo

Teleporter: Now has 2/3 of the original range.

They took a struggling character and threw on MASSIVE compensation nerfs for any buffs they included.

At a time when they are going crazy with balance and throwing +25 hp and a new knockback onto heroes like Zen who weren’t even statistically underperfoming.

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Well like I said, I’d add this stuff on top.


  • Alternate fire can charge up the Primary Charge Levels
  • Charge Levels increase the charge speed of Alternate Fire
  • Teleporter can only move one pre-existing sentry
  • Initial Primary Fire damage increased from 60 to 100

wow… looking at the symmetra changes they completely nerfed her into the ground, shes underperforming as is in OW2. i hope these changes are reverted.

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Please tell me you’re trolling

  • Alt fire: damage reduced by 25%, firerate slowed by 20%, projectile size reduced by 20%

  • Teleporter: 10 second life limit, health reduced by 33%, range reduced by 27%

  • Turret: slow reduced by 25%

This is a net nerf that also raises her skill floor (makes it harder to do well with her)

Her secondary is significantly stronger than it was. It is not close and it is not debatable.

Sentry turrets being placed faster but slowing less is a net damage buff but a nerf to using them to lock a target up so that is a wash.

The teleporter is also going to end up stronger as less down time and faster placement means it will be better for quick movement.

Why… ? It’s so counterintuitive. You’re now automatically launched to the sky even if you don’t want to :rofl:… Needs a fix ASAP.

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Orisa spear nerf
Doom nerfs

Like really :skull:

Glad Bastion nade CD was lowered though, it was just worse magnetic grenade.