(Official) Ow2 Beta 2 Patch notes:

Poor winston mains are never allowed to have fun.

why the F did orisa have lower crit damage than any other hero on top of a 70% falloff on a projectile weapon? What the hell was blizzard smoking?
But she needed the larger projectile size that shrank, it was useful to hit fast moving targets getting too close. That was literally the best part of her primary fire.
Again, does blizzard even play the g- of course the don’t, this is blizzard.

Also, mercy doing the super jump all the time after GAing is by far the stupidest dang change i’ve seen in quite some time.
Symmetra i was hoping for more changes, they kinda feel like nerfs more than anything. As usual.


Even though its mostly nerfs, supports should be glad that two support characters are in the patch notes. Devs really care, brings a tear to my eye

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Lol. Zen needed nerf and mercy buffs are whatever.

Glad i didn’t get watchpoint doesn’t seem like theres a reason to play support in this beta.


Guardian Angel

No longer can be canceled using crouch for a big vertical boost
Now automatically launches you upwards if you reach the end of Guardian Angel

Devs can you ffs please stop messing with Mercy?

You are making her more annoying to play as.


No surprise, after all they hate him without a reason :man_shrugging::ghost:

Really wish they gave us numbers for Junkerqueen. Now I gotta scour youtube videos cause I didn’t get in.

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Not encouraged at all by the Mercy changes. I’ve been using her mobility the way it is for years. The new system sounds like you have less control and sounds very clunky. Of course I didn’t get into beta (yet) to test it.

Well they did make it so that holding spacebar limits the vertical height gain.

But yeah… RIP Slingshots.

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Blizzard def didn’t learn from the first beta nerfing supports with beta 2…

I’m glad that Bastion’s grenade was lowered to 8s. 10s felt too long in beta 1.

From the damage per bullet buff alone, Orisa seems to gain 24 DPS this patch. Noice. Time to go find a streamer playing as her and see how that’s working out.

They MAULED Doomfist. What are they thinking?


So, does Mercy just always super jump now or am I misunderstanding it?

Doom felt really weak to fight against… He wasn’t a threat at all imo and they nerfed him? lol


which is MUCH more useful than being sent into air and gettign sniped.

I am surprised Doom didn’t get CC immunity or the likes for block. It felt pretty dirty zapping him with a Sleep Dart last beta. Not that that stopped me doing it, of course…

No he was good but Powerblock really didn’t need nerf

Yes, now you have to cancel GA if you don’t want to super jump… It’s really dumb


All I’d say is try to focus on being constructive on dev feedback rather than 6 paragraphs of telling the devs they are horrible people.


Ya she now super jumps all the time so you can get sniped by hitscans.