(Official) Overwatch 2 Balance Patch notes - 12/15/2022

That would be hilarious…stealth non change

Great. Can’t wait for hog to be garbage again :roll_eyes:

sucks that we have to wait for the hog “changes” but oh well hog can have some fun for a limited time. after these patch notes watch every game be hog vs hog tho and a ramattra here and there

Even though it’s not displayed, decimals have been around since day 1. The HP display just rounds up to the nearest whole number.

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Bert Remmingtron feels so much better with the extra armor now that you don’t have to block the entire time

When shooting both guns would add up to 11 damage instead of 12. Given spray weapons can partially hit a target, the game has been calculating decimals for damage for a while.

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Yea they’ve done it before. If it works the way I think it does, it’ll make a meaningful difference when falloff is taken into effect, otherwise she’s still essentially doing a full 6 damage when no falloff is in effect since 5.5 rounds up.

Oh please don’t make hog terrible again. They already tried no 1 shot hog and he was terrible.

They would need severe changes for him to be viable without his combo

But we have a launcher. Why no information there? I am not in twitter and not constantly checking the Froum.

It’s a buff for me since I cant aim straight anyway :sweat_smile:

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Who in the Mississippi fK thinks Ramattra needs a buff of any kind? Is that some kind of meta game crap that less than 10% of the population plays or what?

I’ve already frantically been responding to people already so this initial post here is gonna be brief for me but I’ll put a TLDR at the top here anyway for those who only care about that:

Some good changes overall but not enough for me to boot the game again. I’m waiting for mid season and if need be Launch of S3 if/when I return

Godfist: I’ll need to see how impactful the changes are in High level of play since in my games there’s no good GFs. In theory he should be more punishable but they didn’t touch any of his lethality/stunning capabilities. So I don’t think this does enough for me.

Orisa: Nice changes that should let her play a little better in higher ELO.

Ram: Like GF I’ll have to see how these changes play out in higher ELO but I’m not convinced he’s gonna find a home unless that 20% giga buffs his ult play which is where he’s being valued rn.

Sojurn: Understandable adjustments. Not enough to reduce her frustration at top play even if the spread nerf is significant. I don’t expect these to be the last nerfs she catches regardless.

Tracer: Would’ve preferred a full damage revert given she’s a lot stronger with the DPS passive now. But 5.5 is fine I guess.

Ana: Giga buffs. Like insanely so. I understand on paper why they’re doing this. All I can say is if they plan on buffing her again in the future (specifically mobility/survivability) she’ll probably be meta again thus enabling nano botting which I’ve never been a fan of. Hopefully these only really effect counter pick scenarios and make her more consistent for lower ranks.

Kiriko: Not the nerf I was looking for with her. But it doesn’t dumpster her which is good.

Hog: I’m skeptical about the change to his OHK since we lack the context of his soft rework. Wishlist for me is he becomes more of a displacer hero instead of a combo killing hero. I feel like JQ is a better fit for a combo given it’s a lot harder to pull off and you have to invest a lot more into it. Also it doesn’t OHK every squishy under the sun either.

JQ: I’m skeptical but hopeful since she’s the funnest tank they’ve ever made IMO.

Rein: Flats buff in coming.

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The problem for me is that they buffed the wrong things. Her healing output was fine, did not need buffs, I would have preferred a damage buff to make dealing with enemy flankers and divers more effective. And speaking of flankers and divers, that’s where, for me anyway, Ana’s biggest weakness is. No mobility, no disengage tools besides sleep which is on a super long cooldown. Yeah, sure, 4 second anti will actually help kill a Hog now, but a buff that big to an already strong ability just to deal with one problem hero when he’s also getting nerfed does not make sense. I’m confused. It’s like they’re totally clueless as to what the problem with their individual support heroes actually are.

just the fact we got a patch this quick means a lot to me.


Basically the devs most of the time unfortunately.

Notes say that the change is to effect both. I wonder if it’s impossible for them to buff her damage without buffing her healing when it comes to the primary fire.

Yep! She needs either some kind of movement or some tool to help her survive. Though I do also understand the potential of her being giga buffed possibly into meta with a movement option.

I mean we’ve already seen the devs do this with OW2. They nerfed Genji specifically while citing the damage passive buffing him hard. Then they removed that movement buff and didn’t revert Genji changes. They also talked about Tracer buffs saying they wanted to be conservative and she’d see more play after Genji was taken down a bit.

They were supposed to wait to adjust her after that. But instead of waiting they just buffed her damage to 6 and gave her another buff with the new DPS passive which is basically just doing the inverse to Genji. It’s like the balancing team has zero foresight on their own changes.

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“Due to gaining Empowered Rocket Punch more consistently, the stun duration and size are slightly decreased to reduce some of the frustration in playing against it.”

And then - today, DECEMBER 15

Power Block

  • Minimum damage mitigated required to empower Rocket Punch increased from 80 to 100 damage

Then revert the nerfs from the previous patch to empowered punch :slight_smile:

I know right?

It is a fine thing they can patch quickly now, and have shown a desire to.

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She has two guns and always shoots even number bullets

Jesus 100 damage for power block?

It was 90 before. They nerfed it past its previous state when it was weak enough to warrant a buff.

Just some clarification here on how power block works: that means you have to actually block 125 damage to empower punch now. Block divides damage into 2 sources. Damage taken, damage blocked. Say you get hit with 100 damage. 20 damage goes to Doomfist. 80 is “blocked”. Power block literally looks at the “blocked” damage. So to “block” 100, you need tho be hit with 125.

Previously before they buffed it, it was 90 blocked- so the nerf is more than it was previously. Seriously- what the hell

Synergizes with her kit? She’s highly mobile and very deadly up close or at a range.

There is zero reason why she also needed an area denial grenade that also slows.

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