(Official) Mercy rez change (I dont know?)

So it’s not for resurrecting people that died to an environmental death, it’s for resurrecting people who died while they were over a pit

As has been stated, this basically just means Echo and Pharah, characters who may very well spend considerable amounts of time over pits without falling into them.

Also as a console player, that last bit of the change is horrible. Res automatically occurring while holding the button was the worst as it already was since it’s the same button as angelic descent.

Or they could just be shot down while they happen to be flying over a pit. It’s usually not an environmental kill, just an environmentally impossible/unsafe resurrect.

Look up the “falling soul res”. With skillful timing, it’s something Mercy is already able to do for Pharah/Echo - Resurrect them while she is floating mid-air. But it currently only works if Pharah/Echo’s corpse is falling to solid ground - as that’s where they will be once the revive is completed.

This is a change to the falling soul res mechanic - a mechanic that is niche and not often utilized except for occasionally with Echo/Pharah (and it takes some skill/practice to get the timing exactly right).

If their movement abilities are off cooldown, Mercy could also do this kind of Resurrect for other mobile enough heroes that somehow die mid-air high over a pit, assuming their movement abilities are off cooldown - Tracer, Genji, maybe Winston, maybe Hanzo if he’s close enough to a wall to climb, etc.

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