(Official) Mccree's new name is Cole Cassidy

This is great. Okay, I’m here for the Cole puns.


I don’t mind it actually, it’s a good name for a cowboy. At least it’s not Clint Bronson or something.

He’s now between Doom and Bastion in the hero select screen.

Yeah, Mozart’s sidekick, right?

Oof, that’s going to throw so many people off

I don’t think the name is that bad. Also Cole puns and the ash and coal play on words.


No he would be between brig and dva

I actually kinda like Cole Cassidy. I think it’ll stick just fine a few months after it launches when we get used to it. Good job team for finding a suitable name that flows, references his original references (what a mouthful- I mean is a cowboy name based in the real world) and is not too disimilar to his old cowboy name.

Anyways, nerf Cole Cassidy


Gonna start writing a fic based on this can you help me mindmap a plot concept BC this is fire

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In game is what I meant. Keyword: select screen

That’s because it IS already the name of a cowboy.

A real cowboy who killed people when the whole reason they’re renaming McCree is the character is named after a real person who did bad things.

And his initials are “CC”.

I’m shocked at how poorly thought out this all is, how could they not come up with an entirely original cowboy name?


Idk about me tho, since I have played for years, switching from Mccree will take a long while

Ohh i thought you meant hero gallery

Still gonna call him Mcree oh well.


Ill never stop calling him McCree, im sorry blizzard, but this is literally a FICTIONAL CHARACTER


How utterly pointless.

It’s also been many years of people calling him that, with many lines and interactions in-game having that name used. Very few people - myself included - are going to bother calling him by his new name and it’s going to be a complete inconvenience to redo all of the lines for absolutely nothing of worth.

If it was sooooo important to waste time changing it then it could easily have just been the Jesse part. Done. It’s no longer that guy’s name.


All good.
20 character

Nobody is gonna call him that. I guarantee all players are still gonna call him McCree you can’t undo what’s been baked into all our brains since 2016.


Certainly nobody used the name “Wrecking Ball”.


I’ll call him cole cassidy.

Cant stop me.