I think releasing WC Refunded definitely has got this beat

Only a couple of people are named in the lawsuit, because the rest will be handled internally. The Cosby Suite was actually named in the lawsuit. So it’s not only a facebook connection. The Facebook connection was by reporters to provide proof to reading audiences that the Cosby Suite was known by more than just those named in the lawsuit, but the Cosby Suite itself was named in the lawsuit as being a problem.


One of the people in that photo (Kosack) was named as someone who would actually intervened if he saw things.

Yep, no respect left for blizzard after this.

I used to hold them in high regard, but the lawsuit dropped that respect considerably.

Then this weasel move removes any lingering respect. Honestly what a load of horse manure.


Google what the IRL Jesse McCree looks like man and you might change your mind on whether we should rename the character lmao

They didn’t pick the name because of any of those people. You’re reinforcing my earlier point:

How about you just sue the original McCree to change his name. Stating that his name and actions hurts your brand and let the cowboy keep the name.

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Nah, they gotta do this right after it became evident that they were caught shredding documents so people get caught up in a debate over a name being changed instead of discussing the issue of the documents they were caught shredding.

PR team working hard at keeping people from scrutinizing the company’s actual misconduct.

Part of Activision Blizzard’s statement as provided to Axios by a spokesperson for Activision Blizzard by the way regarding the documents they were shredding is as follows.

“With regards to claims that we have destroyed information by shredding documents, those claims are not true. We took appropriate steps to preserve information relevant to the DFEH investigation.”

The second sentence contains some pretty obvious deniability written into it. “relevant to the DFEH investigation”. There is no denial that they shredded documents, they’re claiming that the documents they were shredding weren’t relevant documents.


Because the name is a good “gotcha” after the Cosby trial.

Also I’d be completely fine, by the way, if they explicitly said that Jesse Mccree the dev was found to have inappropriately behaving in a manner that makes it impossible for the cowboy to have his name. Also I’m perfectly fine with the lore showing jesse mccree was an alias, even if the guy didn’t do anything. But be clear for the love of god. Don’t walk around it.

They have not done that.

They’re making it sound like that’s the case, but they’re not saying it.

If they say that, it’d all be clear to me. The fact they’ve been avoiding it feels very much like an internal settlement to leave the company with good severance and without any bad press for him (although I’d consider this bad press)

I just need this sort of transparency, not a vague statement.

And like I already said: it doesn’t matter.

They could have named him after a genocidal dictator, but it’s still just a string of letters.

“me right u wrong”
Yeah, very compelling. You got me bro.

I feel like its not hard to grasp I am refering to blizzard as a whole.

No oh my god.

We’ve had this argument before.

Seeing someone’s name on a piece of paper and saying ‘hey that’s a cool name we should use it’ is not naming a character after someone.

Naming someone after someone else implies you are saying ‘hey let’s name this character or person after this other person who is a cool dude’

They just used his name.

Or are you telling me that if I name my kid “Valerie” because when I was in elementary school there was a girl named Valerie and I always liked the name, I’m naming after her some girl I barely remember other than the fact that her name is Valerie?

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Then you aren’t named after her, you just have the same name. -.-

My name is Jennifer, and so is the name of many, many other girls born between 1975 and 1983. Are we all named after the first Jennifer?

Give me a break.

But can you at least tell us, with absolutely no intended hints or obligations, that you are still aware of his existing lore that his name may not have been McCree anyway?

We are aware of the existing lore.


It’s fine as long as it’s close.

Example: from Cree to Ree.


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No. But deliberately going “I like your name, can I use it.” is naming after, by definition. It didn’t just happen, it was deliberate choice to use the name of another.


Blizzard, there is a map called Blizzard World, it was inspired by a real life company with a horrible work environment, the map even has the name of such company… Remove, rename and redesign it too :upside_down_face: :+1:.


Hey, I’d just like to pop in and say sorry you have to deal with all the outright hostile people here over this situation. Hope they’re not getting to you too much

Seriously, some people are getting EXTREMELY hostile against this name change stuff. Civil discussion between people with different opinions is fine and good, but the straight-up flaming and personal attacks need to stop.


Coming soon:
Jesse McCrae.

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Basic trolls finally get some “real” power. Scary stuff.


Totally unnecessary tbh.

That’s like saying every dude named “Ted” is scum because they have the same name as Ted Bundy.