Off tank players, would you even bother playing if 321 was a thing?

i feel like they should get rid of all the abusive mechanics first. anything u can abuse should leave/remove.
this game suffers alot from i play perfect but still get punished.
im pretty sure everyone who played the game has complained about a hero and asked, how is that fair.

i also feel like if a cooldown is over 20 secs its prob too op to even be in the game and should just be a ult instead or removed.

I donā€™t agree with this to be honest. It was already said that tanks would be rebalanced if the change was made. I think that there are ways to make the power of ā€œoff tanksā€ comparable to ā€œmain tanksā€ while maintaining similar designs and adding further depth to their kits. Wrecking Ball is a great example of this. He is really strong and has been able to solo tank before role lock. Not all tanks will need to have a big barrier.


Saying that you tested 3-2-1 comps before role queue doesnā€™t really mean a lot. That was at a time where triple tank/triple support existed. Both teams didnā€™t have the same restrictions. Besides, tanks would be reworked and any tank that would be unviable would be changed to be viable.

Iā€™d probably not bother to play Tank or Support any more at allā€¦ Like that would be the final straw for me to go back to playing only DPS.

I would quit playing tank. I donā€™t want Zarya moved to DPS. And I donā€™t want her turned into main tank. The only change i accept is if she is made stronger in the off tank position and her ultimate is changed to an offensive one. If either direction is done. I will not bother playing in PVP, or the game again. I did not play this game so that the tanks are messed around like Syms was.

I am a hardcore fan and would try it but i can already for see not liking anything other then 222 because letā€™s be honest 222 has been the best thing for the game and hero problems are the main thing wrong with the game making the Roll Q look bad to some people.
But no i do not want 321 as a tank main.

As long as main tanks arenā€™t shield bots, sure. Iā€™d definitely play tank.

I mean I already donā€™t bother to tank because I donā€™t play main tanks LOL.

1-3-2 would just make me less inclined to tank as I rather enjoyed offtanking, no pressure on me to be the leader of the team and more about helping my team succeed as a whole.

Iā€™m not interested in playing beefier, easy to hit, weakened dps tanks. Oh wait dva is already a fat, flying, useless genji without any of the good features. Heh.

Nah I wouldnt

I cant play DPS other than Hanzo at a GM level, so as soon as heā€™s out of meta, i canā€™t do anything

Seeing as Hog is already in the DPS role internally, no probably not.

Iā€™d become a support main. :man_shrugging:


1-3-2 would kill the tank role.