Of the PTR changes I think Mei and Orisa got it worst

I mean almost none of the changes are “good” or really going to fix a problem in the game imo. But those two are pretty bad.

Orisa basically has no shield now, it goes down in about a second in most matches and takes 10 to come back. Fortify is just making Orisa into a weird Roadhog. Making her take more dmg while fortified is seriously not what she needed.

Then you have Mei who’s primary fire slows you down less, and last for less as well. It’s already an insanely weak weapon now they are working towards removing the CC elements of the attack without at least compensating her in upping the dmg.

This whole PTR patch is very random nerfs across the board with very little in done in compensation. It’s not “Balancing a hero by spreading their power more evenly across their kit” just making them worse. Which is very odd for hero’s who aren’t even meta to begin with.


:thinking: Really? I think Mei got off easy, compared to everyone on the forum wanting to dumpster the character consistently. This is the best possible nerf she could’ve gotten.

No comment on Orisa. :zipper_mouth_face:


As a Mei main, this is an acceptable adjustment. I do think other players should have more window to escape the Mei’s spray+right click combo tactic.

Also means I have to readjust muscle memory of playing Mei, have to react faster since the slow down duration is lesser. A faster right click to the skull will be in order.


OH yeah for the hate against Mei it was pretty light, but I kind of think she’s going to get the Brigitte treatment. Sort of like they nerfed a dozen different things about her before they reduced her SB.

By the time Mei is done and people are happy she’ll be a total throw pick that might as well be healing the enemy.

I don’t think it will get that far tbh. :man_shrugging:

This will silence most people IMO cause she’ll be easier to handle.


In general people hate how hard she can be to kill, So I kind of expect either her HP to be reduced and/or her wall and ice block to be nerfed some how before people are “happy”. Much like Brigitte had to have a 200hp shield of tissue paper.

Did you see Baptiste? He got it pretty bad


Don’t you think bap took a hard choke too?

No they’re good changes. Mei’s gun is so obnoxious to play against. One tick will instantly slow you down, im glad that they nerfed the CC aspect of it, it was MUCH needed.
As much as I love Orisa, she’s very picked nowadays. I mean an Orisa survived massive focus fire with her shield and fortify with only my Mercy heals (idk for you but that says something).
Overall i love this patch, they nerfed the characters that were a problem (there’s still some) and they buffed D.va in a way to compensate for her short range Defense Matrix.


The Mei changes are the best. I had suggested the same style changes just with much harsher variables (20%/1s slow may prove too much still).

Fortify nerf would be fine even at 30% if we got Wall nerfs.

Bap nerfs could have been smarter instead of just numbers tweak, but they’re fine, it’s not like there’s a support that can take his place.

Gonna wait and see if Hanzo nerf actually means anything, but I’m doubtful.


Bap’s changes are pretty harsh, especially on top of the past nerf of his drone going form 250 to 200hp. The ult change is one of the worst imo as it’s a fairly hard Ult to get real value out of as your allies and enemies can easily move out of it’s coverage. It’s also super obvious and visible.

I also hate any move with long CD. Even 10+ second CD feel to long to me. Hero’s have usually 4 abilities or less, having ones you barley use feels like a waste. I hate how Mercy’s rez is 30 seconds. Some hero’s get Ult’s faster than that. I would rather have an ability weakened than the CD increased to that degree.

Thing is Bap is still a strong healer, does good dmg and the I.F. still provides more utlity than rez with very little draw back. So I guess Bap’s changes while harsh isn’t so bad because he started in a much stronger place than Orisa and Mei.

It’s like if you nerf Hanzo, he’s so OP a small change isn’t even noticeable.


I’m honestly kind of surprised it got a pass. I did expect to receive something, it still has a lot of health for no real reason IMO and I say that as a Mei player. :man_shrugging:

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That is a good comparison

They chose which heroes to nerf well but didn’t nerf as well as they chose.

Read that in a angry Bilbo Baggins voice please

I also have to say I am rather disappointed that most of the changes are just number adjustments. I mean this is the first patch we got in months right? No new hero’s (they are late aren’t they?), no new maps and last balance patch was a while ago and also very minor.

I just can’t see why something you could pretty much do in a custom game takes this long to put out. Not to mention seemingly not well thought out or tested.

cough cough shield nerf patch in December was massive cough cough

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Your variables will make her unplayable.


The two reasons Orisa is presently overpowered are that her Fortify makes her an unkillable monster during it and that her pull is insanely strong.

Now those are fine things to have as the power of a character (overpowered does not mean it should not exist for every character should have things they are very strong at), but in this case its too overpowered to the point where it crushes everything else.

Wouldn’t even make her off-meta.

One of the problems with reducing her CC durration is her secondary fire. It’s super slow, something like 1 second of “spool up time” of when you push the button to when the icicle fires.

This means effectively now if you hit some one with your primary and swap to your secondary by the time you fire their already moving full speed.