October 2024 - OCE players being matched to SEA server

This issue is happening again

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it seems their servers are having issues/routing issues.

there is currently the following issues going on …

  1. users are being placed on a different server instead of their own local region servers
  2. users are facing random "Lost connection to game server " issue/ random comp bans when they have not even played comp
  3. battle.netApp on PC, keeps reconnecting non stop

wished blizzard would respond,…:frowning:

Blizzard has no hand in how your connection is routed. So if Telstra and other ISPs/routing peers in OCE are routing you closer to the SEA server, then you have to wait for them to fix it. Sometimes a VPN can help in the meantime.

i just got disconnected, my internet is fine, blizzard can you please fix your servers!!!.. PLEASE. I can’t even play the game.

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