- October 13 patch: Competitive rank boost!

From the patch notes:


  • Many players were ranked too low during the first week of Overwatch 2, so we are implementing a boost as players continue to play games for those affected by this issue.

  • Players who were ranked too low could have the feeling of being stuck in this rank.
    Moving forward, players should be able to climb the ranks in their first rank update assuming they’re supposed to be higher based on their performance.

  • Players who haven’t ranked will not experience this issue after this patch.

Bronze players, arise!!! :slight_smile:

Looks like they listened. (well it was obvious)


When will the patch be live?

It’s live now mine just updated.

I see Aaron Keller received my letter about being incorrectly placed below GM1 on all roles :sunglasses:


Official confirmation that ranked is now based on skill and not win rate?


El Jeffe speaks to us from beyond the grave.

I don’t think so, “performance” can easily refer to how many games you have won since your last rank update.

While it’s great that they fixed it, I also feel like I wasted a lot of time now.
Just Today after 50 Wins I finally managed to climb out of the mess that is Bronze, only for them to fix it. So Basically I wasted 30 hours of playtime grinding on something I would now have just instantly ranked to. I start at the same point I would have if I had started playing today.


We did it!!


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Too bad they still are making horrible curbstomp matches to play through. Last battle entire team only had 4 picks.


Good that they found this after 10 days of feeling screwed by beeing placed in Bronce after beeing Gold (and actively playing to the end of OW1).

Still feels like efforts put into climbing over the last two weeks are gone for good now…

I climbed from B4 to B3 with a 46% win rate on Moria. I think it’s safe to say it now looks at skills/stats during a set of games ( win 7 or lose 20 .) Since then I have moved up to B2. If it was win/loss based I would be in B5 still from the overwhelming number of throwers, bots, leavers, ect…

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They did what they did in OW1: make you climb slower so that the playerbase keeps getting high after a new release or an event.

I’ve read many times that when a player reaches his true rank he is most likely to stop playing. So placing you lower, running a matchmaker that’s not really that precise and put you in a position of necessary grinding is better for player retention. :slight_smile:


Yep. It’s a forced grind and the grind is even worse with the algorithmic rigging. Just look at how predatory the UI/UX is setup for monetization. It’s a ridiculous grind for primitive unlocks. Does anyone really think they’ll let chronic grinders rank up quickly? heck no, they even rig peoples aim/hitboxes now lmao

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The boost is a lie. Went 18/20 and still Bronze 5


Same. I’m done tryharding it’s a complete sham.
Already had a bunch of T500s in my bronze5 matches.

if they’re not good enough to get it right on launch,
they can’t be trusted with ever getting it working.
their code requires a full public audit.

“early access bronze5” more like alpha2

Im not sure this is working, I was gold tank in OW1 and I got placed b5 and then on my 7th i got placed b5 again. Feels pretty terrible ngl :skull:

It’s not. I have a 70 winrate with sym. 3 placements still Bronze 5

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It should have always been based on skill if you ask me

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They have the battlepass to grind now, and that brings them in money. So you would think that placing people accurately and giving them fair games would increase retention.

Also I hope they’ve reset the average bronze 5 skill to compare against and rank people up. With so many higher level players in bronze this past week the average bronze skill is going to way higher than it actually is.