With the new season, they brought two changes to the maps :
- On Circuit Royal, the tablet that Sombra hacked on the casino show a different text that the previous one :
_ I have your marks. Waiting on payment.
_ Hello?
_ M4rquis?
_ Your transfer failed. I’m running out of patience.
_ Don’t be mistaken. I can find anyone.
_ Even you.
It’s probably a Freja teaser, since she is a bounty hunter and M4rquis (probably Maximilian) hired someone for money in the previous tablet conversation.
- Then, we have Oasis spawn, that is fixed and clean after the Phreaks break-in! (took less time than the Numbani airport to be fixed ahahah)
There is a hologram of the previous vanadium black sphere, a robot that is analysing Hazard’s purple shard, and a mail in arab - HazeletOW on Tweeter translated it, it’s some kind of mail to explain the incident to the employee, that the secutiry & controls will be enforced - aaand, a nice chat log with Moira and someone else? (maybe Al Sharani? Maybe gossip between scientists on the work group chat?)
_ Can you believe this? Not one mention of their precious “predictive algorithms” failing to prevent a simple break-in.
_ Don’t share this around, but I heard the systems were offline or tempered with or something.
_ Even the most advanced routines couldn’t compromised those firewalls. It all feels too convenient.
_ I would advise anyone with inquiries or concerns to contact Helix Securities directly. MO
_ Of course. Thank you, Minister O’Deorain.