Oasis and Circuit Royal map updated

With the new season, they brought two changes to the maps :

  • On Circuit Royal, the tablet that Sombra hacked on the casino show a different text that the previous one :

_ I have your marks. Waiting on payment.
_ Hello?
_ M4rquis?
_ Your transfer failed. I’m running out of patience.
_ Don’t be mistaken. I can find anyone.
_ Even you.

It’s probably a Freja teaser, since she is a bounty hunter and M4rquis (probably Maximilian) hired someone for money in the previous tablet conversation.

  • Then, we have Oasis spawn, that is fixed and clean after the Phreaks break-in! (took less time than the Numbani airport to be fixed ahahah)

There is a hologram of the previous vanadium black sphere, a robot that is analysing Hazard’s purple shard, and a mail in arab - HazeletOW on Tweeter translated it, it’s some kind of mail to explain the incident to the employee, that the secutiry & controls will be enforced - aaand, a nice chat log with Moira and someone else? (maybe Al Sharani? Maybe gossip between scientists on the work group chat?)

_ Can you believe this? Not one mention of their precious “predictive algorithms” failing to prevent a simple break-in.

_ Don’t share this around, but I heard the systems were offline or tempered with or something.

_ Even the most advanced routines couldn’t compromised those firewalls. It all feels too convenient.

_ I would advise anyone with inquiries or concerns to contact Helix Securities directly. MO

_ Of course. Thank you, Minister O’Deorain.


6 years in developement for a story mode and what we got, a sign on a respawn room

one could speculate that there is a connection to the changes in Havana, where the map features huge amounts of talon details and the unrest in don rumbotico. Personal hypothesis: Max maybe sent freja to take care of someone, but… maybe doomfist did something to max that prevented him from proceeding with freja’s payment. or reaper, who is actually looking for all former overwatch agents and freja technically falls into that category.

the lore of predictive systems is extracted from the presentation article of Oasis in 2017. it could be interesting to understand the lore of these systems. i don’t know, maybe we could hypothesize some scientist who studied for the predisposition of these systems. it could open to an interesting technological lore for possible future heroes of Talon.

so, are we in the wrong place to care about so few elements or… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

IDK, I don’t see much sense in your comment that is clearly “why do you care?” :sweat_smile: if you clearly don’t care/aren’t satisfied with it, I don’t see how this your statement contributes to those who do care. :person_shrugging:


Great find! Damn! :astonished:

I love the hidden elements of the gossip using Arabic. So cool :sunglasses: