O wow, what does this mean?

what does this mean? diva i have yellow in my hp bar and some char like zen and sym have gray in their health as enemy and some yellow like rein?

The yellow health is Armor, and it reduces the amount of damage received by bullets a bit.
The blue health is Shields, and they regenerate after being out of combat for a few seconds.

the grey? means what?

There is no grey. Only yellow/orange and blue.

I’m assuming the “grey” is blue, which is shields.

zenyatta and symmetra have grey hp bars for me always. zen has like 90%, sym has like 30-60%

Yeah, that’s shields. Welcome to the colorblind club. :slight_smile:

Here’s a reference for the colors:


Oh boy… Did you tinker something with your colorblind settings?

Is Symmetra’s dress grey for you too? Both her default dress and half her health should be blue.

Great chart! I think it’s a little old though, since armor now sits above shields.

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Temporary armor goes above permanent shields. If both are permanent or both are temporary, shields go on top.

There are currently no characters who have both permanent armor and permanent shields, though.

Did they change all of Brig’s armor overheal to the darker orange? I think it used to be the more yellowish shade.

It should all be the darker orange now, yes. Rally armor might have been yellow when she first released (can’t remember), since it lasted forever at the time.

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Yeah they did, so that it is a bit clearer which armor is which.