Numbani not in map rotation in comp for the past 2 weeks

there is something weird happening in comp, i havent played numbani for 2 weeks and apparently its not just me


Someone else mentioned this. I don’t know why Blizz would do this, and why they wouldn’t say anything about it.


Let’s put our tinfoil hats on. I’ll go first:

Blizz is using Numbani airport as the HQ to plan their next terrible game decision and don’t want people to catch on.


I swear i’ve had plenty of games there a couple of weeks ago. Probably just your luck

its only in the arcade and player vs ai rotation

It can’t be. I’ve been in a comp game on Numbani recently

You’re literally agreeing with him while claiming you disagree lul


im being lax in my time band. They’re literally saying 2 weeks. Also, i was on Numbani about a week ago for sure. I was saying overall, i’ve had games on Numbani over the past couple of weeks

Maybe it has something to do with that new lore reveal of space?

Or they are finally cleaning the god damn airport


As long as they leave the dead Orisa bot there. That’s Symmetra’s throne

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Did they finnaly decide to clean up the map and because of that its out of use?!?!


Now that you mention it, I haven’t played there for a while…


OMGGG it is!
they HAVE to leave it there.

Good riddance. Only Illios left now so I can play competitive without worrying about these two awful maps.


Why is it her throne?

I’m with this person. numbani is by far my absolute most hated map in the game. It’s visually beautiful but from a gameplay / competitive standpoint I cant stand it.

we’re cleaning up the airport, please be patient :horse:

Me and some friends were talking about this today too. We played for 10+ hours today and didn’t run into numbani once. I haven’t seen the map in weeks

It feels like I have been playing the same 6-7 maps for that time span, so I do agree that it is odd

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Because I like to sit on top of it surrounded by my turret townspeople :3

Now that you mention it, I haven’t been getting Numbani at all either.