Now why am I not trust level 3?

Not yet. You are level 2. You can check by going here and looking for the highest trust level shown.

hope you nearly there otherwise what hope is there for people like me. May if your read time goes up a bit you are set. all the best.

I think you just paste the link and it will be embedded provided it isn’t bigger than the size limit

Probably to post images so other people don’t need to copy and paste every address in their posts. When I’m on mobile I usually ignore lots of those.
Or just to get the power…

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So magical

Here ya go buddy

it says you should be trust level 3 so try posting a link in this post i checked it 3 times for you and each time it said you were level 3.

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How did you do this witchcraft?

You just have to put the right arrow

(But don’t do it too much - I got silenced for it)

You just put the >>>>
arows in over and over again and after the text you want!

Let’s see… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I did it before the text?

interesting >>>>>>>

:heart: :heart: :heart:

In the center of it all.

Racillian make sure you don’t go overboard with it

Iam somehow denied from it, met the requirements like 20 days ago already, still level 2.

Has one of your topics or posts been flagged and removed?

Yes one, but it was unfair and reverted after i submitted ticket, so it should be none technically.

Yeah heh oops

It was spam for putting too many of these

Don’t make the same mistake

I guess the system to determine if you get to be a lvl3 user is automated and hasn’t been reset…

I dont know if it resets on the day you got flagged. If it really bothers you, maybe open a ticket and ask what’s up?

Aww shucks that sucks!! Didn’t know it was a “reportable offense” lol XD

I’ve had 2 suspensions in 64 days but it didn’t stop me from getting to lvl3.

I also had a suspension for a day, I contacted a forum admin soon as I thought I got flagged falsely but he/she showed me for what I got flagged and i realised it was justified and I apologized and thanked him/her. After I reached the requirements, I got to trust lvl 3.

I also got tagged for spam once, but it in hindsight I saw its justification.

Still not level 3 yet :disappointed_relieved: