I’ve visited for over 50 days, and I’ve read 20k posts
What else do I need?
Probably likes given/received and posts created.
Given and received likes
How many do you need of each? :^o
Don’t know. Devs haven’t said anything.
I have:
- 2d read time
- 53 days visited
- 2.4k topics viewed
- 20.3k posts viewed
- 406 likes given
- 3 topics created
- 58 posts created
- 141 likes received
And I got Lvl 3 today
Oh and I forgot to add
It’s not instant. If you got 20k posts viewed around now, you will probably get the Lvl 3 on the following day(like I did)
The only thing that I have less than you in is read time (mine is 1 day, yours is 2)
When did you get to 20k posts viewed?
Total new question here, where do you see your trust levels?
If you look up trust level on the forums, you’ll find a link that you can find it
Or just search “Rico” and you’ll find Rico’s quick and east trust level checker
Today, why? (Also does lvl 3 get rid of minimum characters)
“A warrior’s greatest weapon is patience.”
It takes a bit of time to update. I got to 20k posts viewed yesterday, but only got Lvl 3 today. You will probably get it tomorrow
(Nope )
we have the same stats!
and i wated a day, im not lvl 3 yet…
maybe i have to wait a bit more…
were you ever banned?
I reached level 3 after just 45 days. That requirement seems to be false. Actual requirements are unknown.
You will get there eventually!
Oh alright thanks!
Might take a day or two to kick in…
I meet all the requirements and I’m still level 2.
IIRC, just a 1 day suspension
(I think I got 2 suspensions, but I have the memory of a gold fish)
They probably gotta trust ya first, I imagine it takes longer for different folks depending on how trustworthy you are with internet spam.