Now that we have younger D.Va

Can we finally get the older Mercy skin that everyone has been clamoring for? There are so many great ways they could go about this. My favorites are either an Angela Merkel skin, or an Angela Lansbury skin.


What do you mean “older”? She’s 37. Who’s been asking for senior citizen Mercy?


Literally every Overwatch player with good breeding and refined taste.

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the dva isn’t any younger, you realize this right? Its a law school uniform, meaning she would be at a university, and dva is 19, considering you have to go to undergraduate school before you can get into lawschool, this skin would make dva older, if anything.



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Well, that’s not quite the direction I was taking with my examples.

Honestly, I didn’t know this. All I can say is that I’m glad she’s finally taking her future more seriously and going into a respectable profession.

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I thought so because you mentioned Merkel :smirk:

I’m very thankful that I get to learn something new every day.

Mercy already has old skin. it is called ana :^)



twenty characters

I can’t see how you would possibly think this: one of them drinks coffee and the other drinks tea.

I’m down for cougar mercy.


I think the claim was rather self explanatory.

I’d rather have a one trick Mercy than a geriatric Mercy on my team :wink:

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Why choose when you can have both?

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It’s not a law school uniform. The mech is a character from her video game. It’s most likely the character she main’s name.

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literally the devs themselves confirmed its a law school uniform the mech is from a game, but the uniform isn’t. on the back of the mech it says “judge” because her uniform is that of a law students in Korea.

go to 3:14 and its confirmed for you. I know what im talking about.

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Well it’s there now. It can’t be "un"pictured.