Now Hiring @ Blizzard

Hey guys, The OW team is hiring.

Now is your chance to show them how to balance their game! Seriously, Get them resumes out there!!!


And get paid nothing because they take advantage of the fact that people want to work at their “favorite” studio.


I already did

Multiple times in fact

They refuse to listen


from 90k a year and up. That’s not too shabby

Yeah sure, I’ll go work at a company being leeched for money by another scummy one. Not only will balancing ideas fall on deaf ears even there but I’d also need to get coffee for Mr. “Reworks4days” and “You think you do, but you don’t”
Ain’t that swell? /s


There are people here that I wouldn’t hire to shine my shoes.


I already have an established and successful career, and am self-employed. Why in the hell would I want to go work for someone else?


90k in California is like making 30k in South Carolina. Not that great.


Doubt that is 90k clean. And probably worked to the bone for what? No thank you.


I currently am the care taker of my 90 year old grandfather. I have a lot of time on my hands right now.

I would work for free, but unfortunately no matter how free a good idea is Blizzard will not listen.

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Hive mind is strong up in here.

Instead of actively complaining and bashing people who know a lot more about balancing than most of you, You have an opportunity!

But something something forum Brigitte something something


You’re kind of assuming we don’t have careers already.

I had seriously considered referring a couple people close to me who actually are game designers/produces to work at Blizzard - however, the company is in a bit of an uncertain period right now, so I don’t know it’s a good idea. (Then again, one of them works at Gearbox, so… but she might have some unresolved feelings involving Battleborn and what Overwatch did to it.)


I actually just started a new job last week and have some really great benefits.

I’ll stick it out with the lab I’m working in now.


why would I apply?

I don’t want to cater to you people :rofl:


What you’ve said elsewhere is very applicable here.

I’d hire you though!!

My ideas are far greater then that of ANY Blizzard employee. I could apply for every position at Blizzard but it would do me no good.

Lets say I don’t lead with my LEFT foot forward. Blizzard isn’t big fans of my type.

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Whoa, You dug deep for that one. And I stand by that. Me calling out a bunch of arm chair developers has got nothing to do with that.

But on another note, Have you ever frequented a place for a long time and watched it fall apart?

These forums in a nutshell. Used to be a cool place.

they’re hiring engineers. Not a balancing team. You think anyone who works at blizzard just comments about balancing all the time? There’s a team for that. And that team doesn’t include the engineers.


I’ve known several (now ex) blizzard workers (coders, designers and a few WoW GMs) and they all tell me the same story of bad pay, long hours and zero recognition for your work. It’s not worth it; Blizzard was a stepping stone into the industry and not really a long term company to work for. Now it’s not even that.