Start of the season and close to mid season games are fine im climbing etc etc but mid season and after the games start getting worse, I start going on more loss streaks and I start going back into that pattern that Ive posted about before the whole game keeping me at a 13 game difference with losses being higher. This has been the same pattern for the last 3 or 4 seasons, i start progressing and the games get actively worse as the season goes on past the midway point. I start getting way more throwers, trolls, smerfs leavers on my side and im noticing im going against a lot of squads and my teams are solos or 1, 2 stack.
Example would be last couple weeks the games have been decent I been maintaining a 50/50 rate and slowly climbing. Now all of a sudden last couple days have been horrendous, no decent teams going against stacks, smerfs, try hards. No help as support just getting dived on with the other support and im currently on a 7 game loss streak and just deranked into silver which I havent been in seasons. Nothing im doing is working to change the outcome of these matches when others are not pulling their weight or helping. I really still do not understand how I can get so many loss streaks but rarely ever get any win streaks
End of season and weekends used to be horrible but now I don’t really notice it as much. Maybe because it’s just horrible all the time now or I don’t care as much or nobody really cares anymore. The only thing I have noticed recently is that the games do seem to get a bit sweatier after around 10pm.
From mid-season onwards only the regulars are playing. I would expect regular players to be on average higher ranked than casual players and hence as they are all playing each other there would be a general decrease in MMR of players continuing to play. You then get that MMR loss back again when the casual players reappear.
when was it stated in the post that its only a support thing?
35 days left is not end of season it ALWAYS happens around this time in the season my games are decent for the first half and then the last half are just abysmal i go on a positive loss rate and negative win rate by a 12 game difference. I cannot break outta the cycle it happens every single season and im getting extremely fed up with it. When I do start breaking the cycle and going back to a 50/50 rate or positive win rate the game slams me into a sprial of extremely bs one sided games and throws me all the way down if not further than where I started from. I used to be mid plat low diamond now im boutta derank into silver 2 I cannot catch a freakin break. I have lost 11 games in a row with 1 win i am absolutely fed up
Not saying the game isn’t unfair, as it absolutely is and imo calling the mode “competitive” is tantamount to false advertising. But after losing so many games in a row and by your own admission being fed up - you have to admit you’re not going into that 11th game and performing your best. By that point you were probably just as to blame for the losses as the matchmaking or your team mates. Take a break man.
what exactly is a tryhard doing in comp? are you not trying hard?
assume you are getting your elims as support in those games? don’t tell me you aren’t killing the enemies just because you selected support aka healbot role.
if there where less tryhards and more casuals true life would be easier to climb.
Someone who is trying hard to win OR an alt account playing like they’re still in their OG high rank level which is usually what im referring to when I mention try hard. If not that then what im referring to is people who are trying hard to win and my team is a sack of potatoes doing the complete opposite. Which its annoying constantly going against try hards and not receiving the same on my side. Like my 1st game today was reallllyyyy good i did really good my team did really good everyone was trying hard and it couldve been either teams game and then 4 games in a row after that game absolutely terrible, no coordination, no teamwork, everyone scattered, trickling in, no kills what so ever etc etc while every single game the enemy has been grouped, working together and just flowing.