Nothing dies now

I don’t know what the rationale was behind changing all of the health pools and mechanics of the game. All I can say is that after a few months of playing it, it feels really, really, really bad. I have many games where it feels like nothing dies. I can get someone down to 10hp and by the time I reload, they’re full HP again. A big part of this is the ridiculous amount of “can’t die” abilities in the game. And by that, I mean pretty much anything that requires zero skill. Nothing more than pressing a button and either gaining health or becoming invincible.

DF presses Q and becomes invincible.
Lifeweaver can just yank people out and they are invincible.
Kiriko can cleanse pretty much anything and altogether cancel ultimates with an ability on cooldown. They did tone this down a bit recently which is a plus.
Baptiste has immortality field.
Monkey presses Q and gains A LOT of health.
Tracer has recall.
Echo presses Q and becomes someone else.
Mei can freeze herself but nothing in the world could ever make me want to remove this.
Moira can just fade away.
Ana nade healing could probably be toned down a bit.
Torb can just gain lots of armor from pressing a button.
Ball can gain lots of armor from pressing a button.
JQ gains armor from pressing a button.
Venture gains shields from pressing a button.

Maybe one of these on its own is not so bad. But, when you start combining all of these together in a match, it’s infuriating. Just one thing after another after another. I’m expecting 99% of you will disagree since you forum-goers are notorious for believing the game is always perfect, 100% of the time. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m not the only one.


We are? I don’t know how that came about. This forum is full of complaints about the game and has been ever since I joined back in 2019.


If these complaint-ridden forums disagree with your complaint, that’s an actual achievement.


Two supports make this game really sweaty. LW and Mercy make their team immortal or, aka, give them to another lives. Try playing some OQ games and you see how the game plays. That’s what OW was or close to be before RQ came…

I hope devs came back to OQ and 6v6 again, and with a role lock to prevent stacks.

Sounds like a complex and difficult game to navigate.

Gonna go play Fortnite/CoD/Generic-FPS now where I can pew-pew with less thoughts needed. Noice :sunglasses:


“Nothing dies now”, is the complete opposite of what currently the problem is. Are you in silver or bronze where people dont even turn their monitor on? Because I can tell you that everything dies pretty fast if they dont use cover 24/7.


In three decades of stalking forums, I’ve never seen a game forum where the game in question wasn’t complained about nonstop. People who have nothing negative to say about a game don’t usually go to the forums, they spend their time either playing the game or doing something else. Negativity bias drives forum activity. Stop deflecting.


I step a toe out of position and I get melted.

I pour my whole clip and all cool downs into my opponent and they laugh it off.

Typical day of Overwatch 2 (forums)


It just depends. If you play DPS, it’s a skill issue. It you play tank or support, obviously nothing is going to die because you do not have the debuff applied.

That being said, all of those get out of jail free cards are definitely annoying when stacked even if you play DPS. But that has nothing to do with the season 9 changes that made people easier to kill. :sweat_smile:


What rank(s) are you playing at mostly?

i agree fully. you even missed a lot of broken sustain abilities. that’s how bad its become.


Looks like I nailed it with the 99% disagreeing with me. Cheers to the 1% of players that aren’t blind.

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You are mistaking this forum for reddit, 99% of the people here complain, constantly.

Maybe your take is just bad.


see this dude gets it, the forums are a PLACE to complain imo, reddit sub is for dumb same ol clips, bad fanart, mercy simps and bootlickers.

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Or you can pick Cass and 2 tap any squishy in the game in under 1s lul


There was 0 rationality involved in the decision to change the health pools and mechanics of this game as well as the switch to 5v5. They’re simply incompetent at their jobs.


sees title that says Nothing Dies


John Cena selects Pharah



I think it’s the heals/immortalities. I miss the days when heals were Mercy, Lucio, Zen. Things actually died and the supports were still very strong and fun to play.

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Have you updated from season 8?


I think the game suck big time. But I experience the opposite. You get shredded if you don’t stay glued to cover and that’s not how the game used to play at all. You used to have more healing, more tanks, more barriers and more CC.