Note: Ninja Turtle Omnic is a hidden possible new Tank Hero

AKA One of the two members not talked about around the new Yōkai (group) that Kiriko runs with.

Tank Ninja Omnic Hero is a possibility.

So between a hint toward Mauga or Zephyrus

Here is your 3rd possiblity.

4th being randomly unknown.

We will see the direction of the hint tomorrow.

Would post a pic of it but not trust worthy enough.


I would be very surprised if the new hero was someone with no name from a brief shot in the latest hero’s cinematic, when that hero is already from the same place as two existing heroes.

My predictions, in order, are Mauga, Null Sector Omnic, Sanjay, Casino, King. It’s worth mentioning Overlord and Maximilien because they are male characters we know (who aren’t civilians), but they’d probably be support or maybe damage for Max.

Reminder they did reveal Moira this way.

Just imagine they do a drumroll and they yell: INTRODUCINGGGG “_____” THE 36th HERO!!

And it’s just some random omnic we saw in a cinematic

It will likely be a vague hint.

So this is just keep all the bases covered.

Another ninja? NO , I hope it’s Mauga.

Just imagining a Ninja Turtle Theme song Omnic remix in the title menu.

Note, they did add a New York map sooooo

(Kinda writes itself)

Right now they cant even properly balance the ones they have, not really looking forward to the trainwreck of them adding more.

Train is coming, ready or not.

This was announced ages ago along with two supports closely after this.

They might be all part of the same group.