Not Received OWL Tokens/Skins

It’s been like 3 weeks and still haven’t received any tokens or skins from watching 30+ hours. Never been an issue before, I made sure everything was connected properly in case it was my fault, but everything was fully connected and fine, just haven’t received anything in-game.


Hi HotBrioche, I wanted to comment on this post by saying I have received a similar issue as you. Instead of receiving nothing though, I was given the 3 hour tier rewards of Genji, Bastion, Tracer, and the Finals Spray, as well as the Winston skin from the 30 hour tier rewards but nothing else. I’m really hoping Blizzard can resolve this issue!

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Thanks for the tweet. Commenting so I can stay updated on this, but I’m also missing about 200 tokens, many skins, sprays, name card, etc.

Same for me, I made sure to look if the accounts were connected during every game, I watched every game so I know if the stream paused, or had a bug, and I still didn’t get all the rewards even though I watched them all the OWL games

Knowing Blizzard we probably won’t get the skins. They’ll try to sweep it under the rug, and hope we all forget about it. Especially with the new season in about a couple of days.