(Not Muda) Brig 1 hp shield forever bug

I was watching Dafran the other day play Bastion and the Brig on the enemy team did this - not sure if it is bug abusing or an accident

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Yup its time to remove brig too instead of fixing kiriko


Yup… lets remove EACH CHARACTER that she bugs instead of removing her till we’ve actually fixed her because heaven forfend you get rid of shiny new bait for skins and items.


Shhhhhhhh stay quiet dont expose this plzzzzzz i dont want main disbaled nooooo IF YOU DO I WILL FIND A BUG FOR YOUR MAIN AND REPORT IT EVERYWHERE ON 20 DIFFRENT ACCOUNTS SO THEY CAN GET DISABLED TO.

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hopefully they just take the game offline for 300 years while they get ready for the third beta

Mother of glob that thumbnail pic is ADORABLE :scream_cat:

A bug in OW2? SHOCKING.

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I really don’t know how Blizzard can get away with bugs like this. Did they not playtest Kiriko at all?

What were the betas for anyway? Marketing?!

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They would probably do the same thing they did for OW1: a severe content drought that makes the game dead again :skull:

If we wait long enough, all heroes will be removed for bug fixing

and matches become nothing but 10 people staring at the payload/pushbot while one chosen person gets to control it

Sombra has a bug and I hate it where her translocator even if you set it you cant tp to it and it was just lost to the void. Buggy game ngl.

Not realistically, most heroes being played right now kinda just bypass her shield anyway with some of their abilities or weapon fires (Rein in general, D.va, Zarya, Genji, Sojourn, etc.)

I think at most they may disable her in Competitive, like they did to Torbjorn, but it’s not a major game breaking advantage, so probably no point.

Guys, the game is Early Access, give them a break.


“Hey, so we have another hero we’re going to disable for 2 weeks to fix. For a game that is pretty much the same, but we cut out 2 players needed for matches.” -Blizzavision

Sorry folks… It’s monetization > OWL > balance > PvE

Their hands are tied.

$mall indie company pls forgive

Brigitte the entire match with bug “Shield won’t hold much longer!”

I think I won’t use the bug… :upside_down_face:

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no just straight up make them game completely unavailable let us all forget about this :poop: game

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1 months from now and we will have 5 playable heroes

likes to charge reblogs to cast

Cute, honestly.

Remember when D.Va was disabled because her Mech was indestructible?
That was reported prior to the patch going live, they changed nothing about it.

It wasn’t ExC but PTR at the time but still, what’s the point of testing any of their changes if they won’t bother fixing issues in the first place.