Not Having Fun in OW2

I was really really hoping to be stoked and have the most fun in the beta as I’ve had with Overwatch since launch and… honestly I’m going back to OW1. It’s not that it’s buggy or that I was having trouble getting into games. Honestly I was super lucky and had a really smooth entry with pretty low queue times. There’s a lot of good stuff in here, too. The new maps have fantastic aesthetics and I’m sure they’ll be really fun the more we learn them. Push seems like it needs a little balancing rn. As many others have pointed out, it feels pretty impossible to come back after the enemy makes a checkpoint. Honestly though, not a super big deal. We’ve been playing 2CP forever and this is easier to fix.

The big problem I’m having is that 5v5 just does not feel fun. Not at all. I was playing on mostly DPS, a little tank, and a fair amount of support, too. On any role, it’s just not great. It’s especially obvious when you’re playing on familiar maps like Dorado. Every fight feels like you’ve shown up to the middle of it, and every hero feels like a DPS. Tanks are just chubby DPS, healers are just bad DPS. It’s like team deathmatch, which is a mode we have in OW1, and nobody plays it.

Some people seem to be really enjoying it, but I know I’m not. I feel like we had this figured out with the last experimental card, where tank damage was tuned down and it felt great. The reason I think devs felt we needed to switch to just one tank is because the role was so impactful, and I think this is a wrong turn, personally. I hope 6v6 OW2 isn’t completely off the table in future beta tests.


Agreed. It actually made me sort of sad after a few matches, not going to lie. I love Ow but I feel like all the doomsayers were right and the game is dead. It seems the majority of people enjoying ow2 beta are dps mains who love the idea of just random point and click adventure that isn’t dependent on team play, strat, or synergy. Most support mains I know are not enjoying it, and the tanks seem split 50/50.


Yeah I agree.

I had a wait and see approach until I actually played the beta, but it’s super disappointing.

Just feels like ‘Team Deathmatch’ and that gets boring pretty quick.

Reminds me even more of Paladins, but with better graphics and technical mechanics.


6v6 all the way. #dontlet5v5inow2


I seriously dont understand why they are even making this game. Its not very different from ow1 I guess you could make the same argument for cs source and cs go but their game engines and recoil was way different. Perhaps this will be the case with ow2


I have to admit I’m not really enjoying it either and I hate to say that because I am a huge OW fan. Sucks.


It would have been better if they made some more reworks or added more content.

It’s a beta, go wild. Let me see support torbjorn


I really tried to have an open mindset on 5v5 but wow it broke the game.


Yep, I’m about 6 games in and I have to say, it’s not very fun.
There’s no team play, it’s just higher resolution deathmatch. Without any teamplay and one less tank, if the two overpowered DPS on the enemy are higher level players, it’s just a come out of spawn and get slaughtered. The support don’t know what to do, so they’re either trying to heal and failing, or not healing at all because they have to defend themselves.
Even the old maps, it’s like, what even is this?

Feels like they just tried to put Overwatch on speed and didn’t care about much else about the actual gameplay. “Tryhards” and the kind of players who love to smurf will love it, I guess?
It’s just FPS chaos like other games are. It’s not Overwatch. There’s really no team play, no real countering, no strategy. They’ve missed the whole point of why we loved OW1 I’m afraid. And this is just the beta.


I don’t hate it but there are a couple of problems that just leave me scratching my head. Like Ana anti-nade, if that gets thrown on your tank 9 times out of 10 they die. Characters like Reaper feel terrible to go against especially as a tank. Like everyone else said it feels like deathmatch but some characters just didn’t get a balance pass. Maybe I just had a couple of rough games idk.


Oh yeah when tanks did so little damage everyone just ignored them, killed supports and dps then cleaned up the useless tanks tickling them with 10dps? It’s obvious you don’t play tank. OW2 tanks feel fantastic.


The only people cheering removing a tank, were DPS mains. This is very much THEIR game, and it will flounder because of it. Not immediately, but there’s already a dearth of players on Supports. I won’t call the other role “Tanks” because they’re not; they’re garbage except for Orisa who seems to have been re-designed from the ground up for this game. Something the other tanks needed, but got done slapdash.


I have no “excitement” to play ow2 especially as a support main.


I have to admit that I am pretty disappointed myself. I’m sure that it will get better, and I will continue to give it a shot in hopes that my opinions change. I agree it’s the 5v5. The game just doesn’t feel good without two tanks. I tried to keep an open mind with playing, but there is no flow to the game, doesn’t feel like there is a team. Just walking simulator if you play support. :frowning:


I’m curious, do you guys don’t like 5v5 generally or you don’t like one tank being removed?
I feel like this needs to be defined in this discussion.


Wholeheartedly agree with the OP. It feels like random deathmatch on maps that have no clear visibility because they’re all the same overwhelming orange.

Also what really throws me off is the clunky sound and feel compared to OW1. I know they tried really hard to make the guns feel “meatier” and more “substantial”, but all that did for me is make it feel like I’m wielding vintage weapons from the 1600s (that are also so loud they drown out any other sounds like footsteps) instead of the crisp, lightweight, minimalist, SciFi sound and feel that OW1 had. Especially Soldier and Widowmaker feel “slow” now. I would enjoy going into aim arenas with them for hours. Now just a few games with those heroes frustrate me.

Not to mention little frustrations like the overly bright and unprofessional looking UI, not being able to say “fall back” to my team while I’m on my death screen, being able to use “Understood” on the objective marker to say “Attack the objective”, the bugged health packs visuals or my health not coming back fluidly when healing in our spawn or the “choppy”/“jerky” feeling of your character getting shaken when getting hit with damage.

I’m definitely going back to OW1 and I hope to god we’re not forced to update.
That’s another thing: didn’t they originally promise us we could keep playing OW1 / both?

All in all, I’m extremely disappointed with this beta. It feels like an older game than OW1. The only positives I can see is being able to see everyone’s stats, the ping system and fewer stuns.


i disagree, i think it’s a lot of fun, but the tank balance is way out of wack and the content creators so out of touch on what is “strong”. all of them without fail called Dva S-Tier, likely lining her up for a nerf before the live game even drops, and she absolutely feels like garbage. lots of them said rein felt weak, and he just wrecks. i really don’t understand what game these people are playing, cause it feels like it’s not the same beta at all.

that being said, i think just having one less enemy player makes the game less static and more fun. deleting doubleshield does the same.


They aren’t out of touch. They straight up lie with the intent that things they find going up against that are hard or annoying get nerfed and things they can deal with easy don’t get buffed.


I’m about 15 QPs in the Beta and, so far, I’d say that 5 V 5 is not the way to go.

There is too much reliance put on the one single Tank of the team to behave properly, as a Tank, for the team to be effective and for the gameplay to occur “as intended” by the development team. They ‘designed’ OW2’s gameplay (and apparently balance too) for 5 V 5 to be the main thing that distinguishes OW2 from OW1’s 6 V 6.

But… it’s not because it’s distinguishing itself that way and it means it’s good, or fun. It’s just… different, it’s “unique” but OW1’s 6 V 6 is simply better. We’ve been playing OW1’s 6 V 6 for six years (well many of us have, heck even if you started in 2020 with this game you still have 2 years of 6 V 6 under your belt anyway), we’re more than merely ‘used to’ it. It’s the identity of this game.

We have 2 Tanks, 2 DPS and 2 Healers (under the official formula that is, not counting custom types of games or QP Classic, etc; purely talking about QP and Competitive modes). In this regard, any time something happened to one of the two in a specific role, the other can still help a little; things can still happen from that role.

But now, with 1 single Tank, if anything happens to that Tank, the rest of the team cannot rely on a would-be second Tank to keep on the advance or to hold their ground even if it helps them momentarily; they’d still win precious seconds (or minutes) having a second Tank doing the job for that long. Instead, as it is now with the 1 Tank formula, the ENTIRE rest of the team drop like flies in a domino effect AS SOON as their Tank dies.

But the worst part of having just one Tank isn’t even the fact that if the Tank dies crap then hits the fan automatically, no. The worst part is that DEATH, per se, is not even what it takes anymore. All it takes can be anyone of the following situations:

  1. The Tank trolls? Sorry, you don’t have a 2nd Tank to rely on, your match is over.

  2. The Tank decides to just constantly rush in without a plan? Your team is dead, forget it.

  3. The Tank ‘turtles’ and always hesitates to push forward? Might as well stay there and die by attrition until the timer gives the victory to the enemy team.

  4. The Tank lags? Sorry, it’s over for you.

  5. The Tank disconnected, oops, now what? Waiting for Matchmaking to find a replacement and have fun with the massacres in the meantime.

  6. Additionally, the Healers now NEED to prioritize the single Tank of the team ever MORE so than ever compared to OW1; and OF COURSE the two DPS players will ask for Healing ever more so this time around. It’s not even a ‘preference’ or a “play style”; it’s a REQUIREMENT. This puts a lot of pressure on the Healers as well because OBVIOUSLY if the Tank dies (and believe me, the Tank is alone now so the Tank WILL die, often) then where does the blame go? Believe me, it’s usually NOT the Tank (coming from a Healer main lately I know all too well; it already did happen in my few Beta matches). So I hope you DPS mains out there are ready to lack HP points on a regular basis now because our Tank is the lifeline of the entire team.

So far, pretty much all the matches I had revolved around the single Tank we have.

In OW1, all THREE roles in a 2-2-2 team can - at least even just momentarily - rely on the second person of that role in order for that role to be accomplished. In OW2, the Tank is alone, he/she needs to do ALL the Tanking required. If the Tank is gone for whatever reasons then the ‘snowball’ follow up of death and destruction happens VERY quickly.

If there’s one thing I noticed from OW2 fire fights (where all 5 players of both teams engage) is that team fights are over MUCH quicker now than in OW1. If you thought that entire teams could be wiped clean at the speed of sound in OW1 then wait until you see it happen at the speed of light in OW2. It’s crazy. It’s VERY easy for the fights in OW2 to feel more chaotic than in OW1 and the reason is simple: because your only Tank just died and nobody knows where to go and how to play after that.

The very mentality and play styles that’s been acquired with OW1 over the past 6 years NEEDS to be completely re-thought and adapted anew for OW2; otherwise and I almost guarantee it for the majority here: 5 V 5 will be perceived as the biggest mistake ever done in the history of this franchise. The difference it injects and provokes into the very gameplay fabric of this game compared to 6 V 6 is way too significant (and not for the best).


While i haven’t played the beta, i have no opinion. It wouldn’t be fair for me to have one even after watching many games til i play it myself. Thanks for sharing your experiences tho. As a big fan of the support role i do feel like i will eventually share in the majority of disappointing views.

Ppl should be honest like in this post. Ppl who say “omg its a beta, its not the finished game” Can shut it. Its feedback like this that give the beta meaning and add the direction that a better game can emerge from.

Unfortunately this game is tuned hard for 5v5 and they cannot wait another year undoing this mess so they need to make it work with 5v5. They backed themselves into a corner asking pros, overly grateful streamers, friends, and family. Basically a bunch of yes men.

They shouldn’t have tested and made the 5v5 decision based on the top 1% of players and yes men. They should have gotten real feed back. All they had to do is give tank shields a 25% reduction in barrier hp when 2 are in a game to encourage off tanks over dub barrier. No idea why they didn’t just go the easy route here. Maybe its just bad leadership or lack of intelligence… Idk…