Not Happy with Symmetra's "Rework" (Read - "Removal")

I liked that they increased the range on Turret placement but other than that, I don’t like the direction of these rework.

  • It would have been cool if they increased the Turret placement range. Being able to place them a bit further away from a safe distance, would be awesome.

  • It would have been cool if they increase Teleporter placement range. Being able to place it on Higher ground and further away would lead to the discovery of more creative Teleporter spots while maintaining the current spots and current usage of the Teleporter.

  • It would have been cool if they made these changes while leaving the remainder of her kit untouched.

But they changed everything, and so much that it is now a different hero.

So it’s not really a rework. They are just removing Symmetra and adding a new Hero into the game also called Symmetra for some reason.

Let’s call this new Hero - Sanjay.

  • Primary - Zarya Beam
  • Secondary - Firestrike that explodes on impact
  • Ability 1 - Shooting Turrets
  • Ability 2 - Reaper’s Teleport for the entire team
  • Ultimate - Great Wall of China

These mechanics that Geoff talked about are completely different to Symmetra’s identity. They are cool mechanics but they do not belong on Symmetra.

I think Devs should leave Symmetra as she is, and make this into another hero.

They should focus on making Symmetra into a stronger version of herself, rather than changing her entire kit.

See my thread below - What is Symmetra’s Core Identity and How to Buff her Accordingly


Sounds almost like a new hero…just keep old symmetra and add a new hero.?


Its still all of Symmetra’s abilities though, they are just working differently…you know…cuz its a rework…


personally, I am excited for the rework. You cannot please everyone, so I am not surprised to see thread like this. I can’t wait to test out the rework!!


Not only sounds like. It is a new hero. They changed all the mechanics of Symmetra’s kit. It’s no longer Symmetra.

That’s like saying a projectile McCree is still McCree… you know… cuz rework.

McCree would no longer be the same hero if he was made to be projectile based.

Just that one thing would completely change McCree into a different hero.

Now imagine that but -
His roll is now a Tracer blink.

His flashbang is now a Hook.

His Deadeye is now Earthshatter.

It’s not even about pleasing. It’s about NOT REMOVING Symmetra from the game and replacing her with Sanjay.

This is not a rework. This is a new hero.

Hey, that’s actually not a bad idea😁

A rework would still maintain at least some aspect of the character (Hanzo, Mercy and Sym 2.0 for example). This just seems off. Like they’re trying to force her to be an anti-dive hero rather than what she has been good at, small area denial and being able to completely lock a team out of an area.

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When the goal of the rework is to shift her role, big changes are needed, you’re right, she isn’t old Symmetra anymore, but I think it’s a better direction than any slight tweak of her kit could’ve been, they tried a slight tweak before and it didn’t work, they aren’t making that mistake again.


Sorry that reply made no sense.

Teleporter still does the same thing just with a limit in putting the entrance and exit of the teleporter, but still does the same thing.

Her turrets are just increased damage while sacrificing for less turrets and the much needed buff of allowing Symmetra to have range to construct her turrets rather than put herself in danger during a fight and set them up on walls with her back to the fight, being outrageously exposed.

Shield Gen is just gone.

And Photon Barrier is simply just a static shield with infinite length and width, aside from being a moving small barrier. This among the rest if probably the biggest change to her kit. But this ability itself has been heavily changed among 1.0 to 2.0 (from giving shields to having a barrier instead)

And considering the fact that she’s moving from Support to Defense, a lot has to change about the dynamics of her abilities.

I’m all for new characters too, but giving a character literally all of Symmetra’s abilities with different properties is boring. When Sanjay makes it into the games he’ll be plenty unique and he’ll probably be a Tank anyway.


how about we actually wait for the symm rework to hit ptr and then try it out before saying we arent happy with it instead of just going off of what one dev said, who said everything isnt set in stone just yet


You do not think that stronger turrets that are easier to place, barrier eating primary, explosive secondary, a hardlight barrier, and the ability to more easily teleport her team and their tools to the frontline is not a better means of area denial?

All of which are just new interations of abilities she has now. The only part of her kit that is being completely removed is the shield generator which was already an iteration on her old method of applying 25 shields to each team mate.

I think people need to be open to this. There is a reason for Sym’s perception in the game, she needs this.


But without a buff to the turrets health, a McCree flashbang can still wipe them.
The barrier and primary/secondary change is what I’m looking forward to.

The teleporter sounds more like a gimmick than a viable strat. I mean, teleporting a nuke would be flashy and great to watch but I doubt it’ll see much use. And as I mentioned before, turrets are still wiped pretty quickly so less of them may be a nerf if they get the damage numbers wrong.

Edit: I’m all for a rework but this something about this just feels “off”.

Last i checked, Photon Barrier, Teleporter, Sentry Turrets, Photon Beam and Photon Orb are all staying, they’re just being buffed and reworked, it’s still Symmetra, just more viable

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So you are going to expend a cooldown ability? On turrets that are likely not near each other like you are use too? That are likely also off on cooldown in her kit and she can re-deploy them at RANGE?

What makes you think that at all? It sounds more like you are looking to diss an abilities viability and peoples willingness to try new strats long before it even hits the PTR for no other reason then you have bad feeling.

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The current health is 30 to them they said, but they might increase it. It definitely won’t be over 50 hp

But symm in her current state just doesn’t work. Its to easy to destroy all the turrets and her being a high damage low range low mobility hero doesn’t work it overwatch because of the abundance of mobility.

You’re probably right, to be honest. A lot of what I’m thinking is just coming off of the back of Blizzard’s great buffs/nerfs in the past (Cree’s sledgehammering with no compensation, Sombra’s new and improved bug list and of course the infamous Mercy dilemma).
The teleporter could be great for flashy plays, but I doubt teams won’t figure out how to deal with it making it much worse than what it is on paper.

change isn’t even on ptr, let alone on live, let alone in comp

people still complain

i always thought syms gimmick was that she can create anything she want out of that hardlight stuff.
also no lock on. people might actually begin to respect her a bit.