Not every hitscan is OP

  • Widowmaker is probably OP BUT only in high elo (no she’s not OP in your Plat match where she won’t get peeled for and nobody can aim, just pick a flanker and kill her 1v1). Not easy to fix either. Chipsa is right the only solution seems to remove her from the game which would never happen.

  • Ashe is a bit OP, mostly she has a very versatile kit of being very strong close range, mid-long range, having 2 self-peeling tools and a strong ultimate. My suggestion would be to up her Ult cost and nerf her hip shot slightly (she is too strong of a duelist when unscoped). The problem with Ashe currently is that if you nerf her, then in any given situation either McCree or Widow are better than her. McCree is more consistent at frontline pressure and zoning/peeling and Widow is stronger at long range which is the sole reason we saw the Ashe buffs a few patches ago because she was never the pick over these 2 heroes in high elo.

  • McCree is not OP, could use a slight buff to flashbang. If you died to him, means you peeked too wide. Learn to use corners. Or dive him, use spam etc. He’s definitely a strong hero but he has no easy way of securing kills. Snipers keep him in check, Dva keeps him in check, Moira can be annoying for him, any long-range hero like Hanzo or Zenyatta can limit him playing off angles hence getting value.

  • Soldier’s base kit is slightly OP, but this is more than offset by his terrible ult. Overall he’s underwhelming.

  • Tracer is slightly OP but also very squishy and overall it’s the 1 hero you want to be meta because the feels fun/fair to play against.

Most importantly I get that most of you guys watch Chipsa and parrot back what he says, he’s not totally wrong when he says hitscan is OP but if you’re below mid-Masters generally hitscan is not OP in your games as hitscans below that don’t have good enough aim and positioning to matter so if you’re <3700 stop creating threads titled “hitscan is OP” because you look silly crying about a class that is not played properly in plat and below due to insufficient aim.


Ashe is the only out of place hitscan imo
Her kit puts the rest of them to shame, ontop of having the longest fall-off range.
The rest of them are perfectly fine.
(But let Soldier Reload while Sprinting pls ty)


I’d say in high elo Widow needs a nerf before Ashe.

Overall while Ashe can create more frontline pressure which is why you can “see her do more”, Widowmaker just comes, flanks and gets 1 solo kill and makes it an immediate 6v5. It’s a very brief event which is why in your view it’s “not a big deal”, but overall Widow kills are far more impactful than what Ashe does. Both Ashe and Widow are broken but overall if Ashe never was nerfed she’s definitely manageable, Widow isn’t.

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I don’t think that hitscans are op. I think the design choices and a mode like 222 tilts the balance/advantages in their favor.

Tanks used to keep their damage in check independently.

With less dmg denial for tanks combined with buffs to dmg heroes category has put the game in this more unbalanced position.

The devs have overbuffed and overnerfed all roles and heroes at different points on this games lifespan.

McCree was over buffed with the changes to his fire rate but because others are even stronger his strength doesn’t even register

Buffing all hitscans to compete with Widow was a big mistake.


McCree should be a frontline DPS though and old McCree in current 2-2-2 wouldn’t be able to break shields in a reasonable time.

He is fine.

no hitscan can compete with widow in high elo what are you on about.

That’s why Ashe is picked more and wins more in both GM and OWL, right?


Ashe’s ult is not strong above plat
Mcree doesn’t need any sort of buffs, his fire rate and powercreep is way too good, he is a reason for the double barrier meta


Ashe is not picked more and not everyone is a good Widowmaker player even in GM there are tons of Sym 1 tricks/flex DPS 1 tricks. The short answer why Ashe has a higher pickrate in GM is that she is far easier to play at a decent level than Widow while Widow is a hit or miss hero where you carry only once you pass a certain threshold.

In OWL it’s a different game, you don’t HAVE TO peek the Widow, still you play from a disadvantage Widow vs Ashe always ends up with Widow getting headshotted and going back to cover for heals or Widow headshotting the Ashe and killing her, it’s literally impossible to win a Widow vs Ashe 1v1 as Ashe in high elo.

Stop using data in a misleading way.

are you sure? Part of the reason Ashe is played so much is her strong ult. Even after sleepdart you have 5s of a strong turret with aimbot. BOB can contest point and his impact damage is very high. Definitely not a “not strong ult” it’s one of the better ults in the game for sure though ults like Sigma ult are yet superior obviously.

I wish you plats actually understood that the 2 meta tanks having barriers is an “accident”, they are ran due to excessive sustain/defensive abilities they have. McCree has nothing to do with that, you could remove him from the game, the meta tanks would still be Orisa Sigma because those are the 2 tanks that beat every tank and support in the game.

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In lower ranks Widow can do really good just hitting fully charged body shots. Her body shot damage needs to be greatly reduced. 120 for any range is just outrageous. If Junkrat’s grenades were hitscan and did that people would be throwing a fit.

The only hitscans that don’t need nerfed are Bastion and Sombra and possible S76.

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GM stats, monthly.


OWL stats.


So despite you saying otherwise, Ashe is picked more at the top of the ladder and in OWL. She’s doing more than competing with Widow. She’s just a better pick in most situations.

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you don’t know what you’re talking about. Stop talking.

doesn’t matter, Widow is stronger only like I said fewer people can play her. Stop quoting the parts of my post that suit your narrative and ignoring the rest I gave reasons why on ladder Ashe is played more. Any time they don’t have a GOOD Widow player, Ashe is stronger and you don’t have to swap. But when both heroes are played at high level, Widow is substantially superior.

Bastion, Reaper, Sombra and Soldier all kind of suck right now.

Don’t forget about Wrecking Ball, Reaper, Sombra, Bastion and Baptiste.

the popular conception of “hitscan” is “long range hitscan in DPS category”. So in other words, Ashe, Widow, McCree, Soldier, maybe Tracer. Heroes like Bastion which are F-tier or tanks are generally excluded.

Sombra and Reaper are strong heroes though both played on OWL and on ladder.

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They aren’t played on ladder. Couldn’t care less about OWL.

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Sombra (though poorly), Bastion and Baptiste can still fulfill that role.

Also if this is your rule why did you put Tracer? Sombra has more range than her.

And not even a mention of Bastion. I swear, people forget he’s as much a hitscan too.

plenty of people play Sombra on ladder. I’m a Masters player and every time they pick Hammond I counterpick Sombra. She’s also decent vs less than ideal tank players and vs stuff like flanking Hog.

Reaper is good as flex DPS whenever your main DPS is doing well it complements the main DPS well (then again, so does any flex DPS but that’s another story).

As a DPS main I actually think getting to Masters these days is easiest with Sombra just because of how bad people are these days. I don’t like playing her much but below Masters it’s literally free Hacks and EMPs for days.