Not every character should be viable

In my opinion.

The game is set up on such a way where some characters are just better on certain situations than others and should stay that way. There’s a reason why characters like Mei maintain .500 winrates she’s played when needed.

Now, characters like ashe and genji that require more skill than say mei or bastion should be played any time. It’s what they’re made for.

As for Sombra, her hack and emp have no place in any sort of competitive game and should be deleted. Apex did a character with invisibility right, overwatch? Not so much.

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If you just wanted to make a nerf Sombra thread, you could have just said that


Its not a nerf sombra thread, in fact i think she should be right where she is at the bottom of the barrel.


Sombra might have her flaws.
But you can’t compare a br-game with ow, a team-based shooter.


a meta will always exists…

if a hero like bastion, sombra, torb or symmetra, mei become meta, half of the playerbase will say goodbye… these heroes should remain niche and be only a good pick in certain situations


Apex is a team based shooter… you’re put into a team and have to work together to win. Overwatch, the same thing.

Do you mean Overwatch is more linear?

The problems is they do not function even in small “niche” situations.

At all.

Specifically Bastion simply does not function whatsoever at any time.

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The winrates say otherwise, they are all .500 either at a averagevor great winrate. Bastion can win games in its niche, if it couldn’t function at all he’d be with the likes of sombra statistically speaking.

In essence it is just a turret with a little more mobility no amount of buffs or nerfs can change that.

wrong… sombra worked great on 2 CP… symmetra worked great on ladder on first points, bastion works great on junkertown, mei is generally good when the player is skilled enough to hit those icicles and not only trying to freeze people.

just because you dont see it all the time on OWL does not mean they do not work… the meta changes all the time, once goats its dead, sombra has a good chance to get back to be a highly valuable pick on 2CP. it does not mean we have to buff these cheesy characters all the time.

Your argument is invalid, since other “no-skill” chars like Reinhardt or Winston are either META or have been at least. That said, Mei requires lots of Skill.


Reinhardt and winston are in a much smaller class of characters? Not many options to choose from given the synergy they offer with other characters.

Lol, most of the characters that are really viable right now require arguably little overall skill to play.

Jeff has stated previously that his aim is for all characters to be viable at any stage of the game.

I know, given the state of the game, you might think there’s no way he could have said that, but he did.

Numbers are one thing… actual evidence and experience say otherwise.

Also as for Bastion?
You’ve got to be kidding me.

Statistics are inherently flawed simply because they have to be shown in comparison to all other statistics.

A game cannot be balanced around statistics alone.

How about allowing him the same general ability as all other heroes.
The ability to have a greater impact through hitting headshot damage.
(I can get very deep into that design of the hero but i’m tired, and do not wish to at this time)


OWL Literally could not matter less in this conversation.
I’m speaking mostly from the standpoint of general consensus and personal experience.

Do you have to agree?

But the facts remain that Bastion specifically sucks and still doesn’t work as a stand alone character in a game made with stand alone characters to be chosen, not set groups.

Not true at all, widow, genji, winston. ashe and so many others require mlre skill than the low tiers

bastion does not suck… he was picked many times on junkertown.

stop being ignorant and look up how many times hes been picked on that map before.

also you should know that blizzard once buffed him once to being viable on every map and mode… the competitive scene started complaining right away that they straight way nerfed him again within 2 weeks.

We’re entering the realm of opinion over statistical evidence as we progress ot seems. Bastion HAS an impact its just not the onevpro bastioners want.

Every hero has a place he has his. Headshots or not in turret form he does even need the ability to headshot considerations to make impact.

All heroes should be viable. Not all heroes should be viable in any and every given situation. But if any hero is not viable in ANY given situation then there’s a problem.

no, every hero should be viable, just not at all times and on all maps

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Then there is viability in their niche. The game simply can’t work that way.