Not a single McCree is OP thread on the forums

(Or at least for the first 100 threads or so.)

“Machinegun McCree” has been out of PTR for a few days now. And it seems absolutely nobody is upset after all.

Remember how people always ask: “Gosh, how could blizzard implement change x, we (forums) told them it’s soooo bad.”

Well, this is how. Forums don’t know anything.

This is just a place for us to kick back and temper tantrum. :baby_bottle::baby:


I tried to visit as many of those threads as I could because I knew people would fall in line in order to preserve their reputation. I said I was going to ask Devil May Spy how he felt in a week… But the talks died down way faster than I thought they would.

C’mon, guys, the best McCree in the world made a video yesterday calling McCree OP while he was getting wrecked by a Tracer. Where you at?

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I mean I wouldnt call it op, but it was definitely a strong boost of power, his pick rate is double and has stayed about double since the buff and his winrate has gone about 3-4% higher and stabilized there so it definitely did its job

Edit: spelling


I definitely agree, but people were not complaining about the buff doing its job. They were whining about OP he was. Specifically McCree mains acting like he did not have the same weaknesses. It was definitely odd and I have never really seen that before.

But that’s the point of the buff. He was in the dumpster and they are trying to make him viable.

Which is why I said it did it’s job?

I actually have seen it multiple times before in different ways, for instance the 50 hps mercy nerf people heralded as doing absolutely nothing to make mercy less powerful and couple weeks after hitting live mercy went from 10% to 1% pickrate, the symmetra rework? People were calling tp op, people legit thought the original mercy rework was a massive nerf, when people see things on the ptr they dont have a firm grasp on its actual power even when its staring them right in the face and exagerate things to one side or the other

people realise he s not op at all
not even opressing you can focus him pretty easely
and against a good widow+hanzo he s useless

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All of the tank mains are just tired of complaining, we’ve accepted our fate.


Then youre not consistently on the forums. We had some day after the patch hit live where we got a front page full of complaints.

People just dont want to sound like a broken record.

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The buff that went live is in fact lower than PTR, so Blizzard agreed with the forums for once, actually.


I am little annoyed that I have to fight a mcree/widow/hanzo every single game. And Mccree counters Junkrat so that sucks too.

Doesn’t mean they won’t change him any further. Jeff ‘the player’ nerfed a hero that no one was complaining about based on his own experiences.

Friendly reminder that you are very much one of them.

Sad but true

Was already over by the time of the armor nerfs

Just downhill from there tbh

That’s a matter of opinion and statistics

Your word isn’t final ok?

Also this is spot on

Cause he isn’t Op. That’s why.

I never claimed it was ? He ain’t op in my opinion. Got a problem with that ?

*In my opinion

Think you left that out?

This is an online forum open to discussion so relax with the attitude i beg it’s obnoxious

The buff complained about on the ptr a lot is not the same one that went live. It’s a small difference but noticeable based off the videos I’ve seen.

And I need to state that why ? It should be fairly obvious to understand what my opinion is if I say he is not op. :thinking:

It was a genuine question you know.