✅ [Not 2-2-2] TF2 style Class Limits

I agree. The real problems in OWL are Hanzo and Widowmaker.

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very nice, I like it better than 222lock, however:

why not just reinstitute No Limits, remove PBSR and make it a solo only queue.

I would say this would be the best way to play Overwatch in the ladder

And I made a ton of Roadhog idea iterations, and then the devs went up going with something very similar to one of my most recent ideas.

That kinda tells me that iteratively designing a concept, sanding off the rough edges, and making it more and more compelling, is the way to go.

How dare someone update their idea to respond to feedback given lol

Are we going to start with “2-2-2 Posts are spam too” like we did with mercy?

Until one player doesn’t play their role properly, and you are physically incapable of swapping to deal with it.

'cause it has less classes, but yeah.

I mean, the Tf2 meta is 4 dps basically.

Wait make that 5, I forgot demo.

I think people are reading in too much on the analogy, to the extent of kinda ignoring the proposed idea :slight_smile:

If the main tanks could provide peel id honestky be ok with a 1 3 2 comp of three dps seeing as they are the biggest category. But some tanks like hog and dva just dont cut it solo tanking

Some form of you aren’t stuck in your role kind of que would be the best kind. Maybe 2-2-2 will magically solve all our issues or maybe we will end up with people who play DPS healer because the que times are 1/3 of what DPS is.

Well technically Orisa can peel a bit. Although it’s mostly used for self-peel.
That said, if Brig was able to be a bit better than she is now, because of a 2HealerLimit. Then Brig could basically be a budget-Lucio and budget-Zarya, at the same time.

Lucio and Baptiste can also do some pretty good peel. With boops, speed boosts, and immortality fields. Or just cranking Baptiste healing up to 120hps with his ult.

Also I guess if your DPS are all over the place, and healers can self-peel. You might as well go Winston or Hammond as a solo Tank.

More like trying to force an idea not many people seem interested in.

Never thought of mercy posts as spam. More like a bunch of angry people trying to get the devs to acknowledge they exist. But since you’ve mentioned it there has been tons of 2-2-2 posts. I know it’s a hot topic but it’s always just two sides bickering. I don’t see anything productive about them.

Doesn’t really matter if an idea wins a forum popularity contest, if the idea can prove itself to the developers.

And I also think it’s a bit more advanced to say “2-2-2 has fundamental design flaws, and may never be viable for Quickplay, which means it won’t be useful for bringing in new players”.
And then to try to figure systems that get almost all the benefits of 2-2-2, without all the downsides.

Overall, the idea is how do you maximize the variety of options, while also minimizing the potential to “Lose a game in the first 30 seconds”. Or to represent Quickplay as something that has more teamplay than Apex Legends solo queue.

Unlike “2-2-2 Role Lock”, this “3-4-2 Role Limit” doesn’t suffer from:

  • High queue times
  • Difficult implementation
  • Limited team comp variety
  • Removing the ability to flex on those who perform poorly in their role
  • Works for Quickplay, which would contain 100% of any newly joined players

A lot of people just banter back and forth of 2-2-2 vs not 2-2-2. Where here I am trying to come up with a system that avoids the flaws of 2-2-2, while maintaining it’s benefits.

And when I encounter criticism about flaws I hadn’t thought about, I work on that, and find ways to tweak things to avoid those too.

If you got any structural criticism besides “I don’t like, because I said so”, I’d be glad to hear it.

Alright, 222 will be fine then.

For DPS only. If I was a DPS player, I’d definitely try out other roles in order to get matches faster. That is of course if they implement role SR also.

How is it difficult to implement exactly?

Contrary to popular belief, people don’t want to get creative. They just play what they want/what works. Sure, there is the odd match where the Symmetra main tries to hype up the team with strats in order to get them away from the thought of instareporting but that’s rare and if the strats and calls fail, it’s report time.

Why would you perform poorly on a role you decided to play on BEFORE you start queuing? Preselect means that you want to play the specific role and you’re determined to do your best.

“Hey DPS mains, here’s some Tank/Healer smurfs, which don’t affect your main accounts SR. We’re also going to mess up your queue times as a DPS player.
But you queue really quickly as Tank/Healer. Please don’t focus on damage while playing Tank/Healer. But if you do focus on damage, there’s not much your team can do about it.”

You gotta create 3 more machine learning algorithms that took the devs years to make just 1 of them. And then have these algorithms all work with each other.
And rebalance the entire game…
And create all the interface elements that go along with this.

So you think it’s reasonable to expect a large fraction of the game’s playerbase to quit the game entirely, and then go play some other game?

I think people like variety, especially those that play hybrid characters.
Also if you want to design something that works for Quickplay, it’s going to need to have more than 2 potential DPS slots, because currently the statistical average for Quickplay is 4DPS-1Healer-1Tank.
And if you just force 2-2-2 on them, then you’ll get a lot of people quiting the game entirely. DPS queue times will be through the roof. And Damage focused Tanks/Healers will be at an all time high.
And if you don’t have a solution for Quickplay, then you are ignoring the majority of players of this game, and all of the new-players which would maintain healthy populations/dollars in this game in the future.

From what I understand, role queue will be on the same account. Someone might be diamond on his DPS role but plat on his tank role. I don’t see where’s the problem with that. You get to play on the rank your role is.

Alright, cool, they probably got billions of money to spend on that, they should get going.

If people want to quit over such a trivial matter, then they can go ahead and do it. That’s coming from me, a guy who has 5 hours on Genji since the game was launched but I actually have no problem playing if I was playing on the SR that suits the role.

Blizz and the playerbase should open their eyes and care about ranked, QP is literally unplayable and breeds bad habits. QP should be an entrance to ranked.