✅ [Not 2-2-2] TF2 style Class Limits

Because it’s not fair to say 4 dps is an issue but 4 tanks isn’t. That’s a clear bias.


but we just got rid of hero labels like defense and offense.

That doesn’t make any sense.

How? If 4 of one role is an issue. Then that rule has to include all the roles not just the one.

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I think arbitrary “fairness” to DPS who already have 3 slots, is balancing out of “Spite” not fairness.

Also it’s designing rules, without caring about balance or variety.

Its nice to be noticed and taget to join discussion but…
Im not competitive player, and i dont had mutch to do with competitive mode in tf2, other than plaing there as medic once and got blame for being flanked :man_shrugging: and i see that its a main reason to make the stand at all so i dont have that mutch to say to it because i dont know how it realy work there.
Tho it seems some want to do this to qp too
Welp, good old tf2 in casual mode had problems with having no healers, and 6 spyes on one team. But it was still fun to play. Basicialy imo qp should stay as it is tbh, and this is what mostly interest me.
I agree Ranked that realy should not use just 2 2 2, because as we all know one class is actualy separated to other parts: main support, off support, snipers, flankers, tank killers, anchor tanks, dive tanks etc. we have to mutch segragated this to simply make people lock role before going in to the match.
And if people will not lock roles before they will fight over who will click what and who is left gona play worse than he/she could, or even end up with even more toxicity in match than its needed.

Mayby with option like “prefered hero” it could work somehow? Like you pick genji, so you are less likely to be in team with someone else who pick him or other flanker hero. That could bring soft role select, without forcing it but just my opinion

seems interesting, something i would probably have to test to form an opinion on

Not right now, but inevitably will when they add more overtuned tanks/supports with broken synergies. 3-3 wasn’t a problem before either and now we are here.

No legit composition should exclude a whole role.

the more I think about it the more I feel 2-2-2 is the best solution. Because I am okay with 3 being the limit to each role in some combo. But then 3-3 still works. So it’s only fair to limit it to 2-2-2. Idk. I’m on the side that all players should be allowed to play what they want when they want to. 2-2-2 fits that philosophy while also respecting what others want for themselves too.

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Let me start off by saying it’s appreciated how much effort you put into your ideas. No matter what you choose to focus on, you obviously put your all into trying to make as many people as possible as happy as possible.

First things first, obvious one out of the way, technically we already have a similar system to TF2 since we can only have 1 of each individual hero, we just have more to choose from, which also means more overlap.

Anyways, my main issue is still the fact that the more flexible you make such a system, the more pointless it becomes. Like, sure, you take away 4+ DPS comps, and maybe Goats (if that’s even relevant anymore), but what do you gain from this? It’s like you said, you can still end up with less heals than you’d like, and you’re not guaranteed anything but a single tank.

And the biggest tell is that a lot of the logic you can apply to such a system can already be applied to the current system (or lack thereof). Things such as

If no one goes healer, no one goes healer. Forcing the remaining players to split between Tank and DPS doesn’t really change that.

This list already encompases the vast majority of games, at least in my experience, so again it doesn’t really solve much. If your issue is solo healing or solo tanking, then all but 2 of those options are still going to make you want to pull your hair out.

As for the difference between 2/2/2, one of your justifications is

Sure, the queue times aren’t as long, but you’re still limited to 3 DPS, so if you end up with 3 of them before you can lock, then you’re still stuck on Tank/Heal and you’re still expected to do more than just focus on damage.

Now, all that said, if your question is “Would it work?” then the answer is yes. It most definitely wouldn’t kill the game, and it’d definitely help… slightly. The real issue is “Is ‘slightly’ enough?” And while it’s a great start, personally, I think no, it wouldn’t do enough on its own, and if we were to put in a limiting system, we would have to go all the way in order to get an outcome actually worth the hassle.

Im sorry but this game isnt tf2, its overwatch.
You dont need to suggest things like make it look more like tf2 either.

We will see in the future what the role q will look like but till then just wait & see instead of making these ‘‘silly’’ suggestions. (No offense)

I think they (devs) do know very well how they work this thing out though.

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I think your argument kinda hinges on the idea that this would be a common occurrence. Where as I see it as a temporary thing that someone will inevitably go healer within 5 minutes of pulling this deadlock. And that it would be rare that it would happen in the first place.

So without that, what you are Almost guaranteed is that you would get 1Tank2Healer, or 2Tank1Healer. Which is a lot more Heals/Tanking than the status quo for lower ELO’s and Quickplay.

Especially since Baptiste and a rebalanced Brig would be able to provide healing and offtanking simultaneously. Such that MainHeal + MainTank + BrigOrBaptiste would be almost as good as 2Tank2Heal.
Lucio also can provide some decent peeling, with speed boosting a Rein to cover, or booping away enemies.

I’d like to know how this post showed up in my list of replies and likes…


can you uninvite me?

No, but I could invite you a second time :slight_smile:

ah well. I will mute instead.

I intend no offense, but I have no horse in this race…

I think they should apply any restrictions or rules to OWL only and if people like it they can adopt it. I am just not a fan of anything that limits my freedom of choice.

Well if they were just applying something only to OWL, I’d say do a “No more than 2 Healers per team”.

Where as I think something that includes a 3DPS limit would help out Golds-to-Bronze and Quickplay more. (i.e. Over 80% of the playerbase).

The thing is you’re making the assumption that player attitude will suddenly change. We already have people who would rather play DPS over healer any day, that’s the whole issue behind not having a healer on live. All that’d change is they’d go Road/Zarya/Hammond instead of a fourth actual DPS.

And that’s not even mentioning the fact that everyone, including yourself if memory serves, has stated that solo-tanking/healing is miserable. This does nothing to address that.