Nobody wants to play tank anymore

The amount of games where nobody is willing to play tank is ridiculous and i tried using the team finder but were always waiting for tanks to join. Playing tank used to be fun and im not sure why it isnt anymore but i just cant enjoy it.

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Not trueā€¦ I have loads of main tank friends i duo with

playing tank and support is like a chore, you HAVE to do it.
there arenā€™t enough supports and tanks to encourage players to play themā€¦

Playing tanks is really fun, except when your DPS/healers arenā€™t as good as you. Then itā€™s just a huge pain in the behind while the space youā€™re creating is going to waste. Most of the time Iā€™d even prefer to play Rein/Zarya/ but if I see a diamond Rein main pick a Widowmaker against high masters DPS players Iā€™d just rather pick Sombra and practise harassing backline ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Damn right. Did it for 13 seasons, got nowhere, canā€™t be bothered now. Donā€™t wanna play Rein but heā€™s the only viable pick so screw that.

This this would make things better?

Could end up with:
Widow, Hanzo, Mei, Roadhog, Brig, Zen
But compared to a lot of quickplay games Iā€™ve been in, they would be a huge improvement.

No. Because itā€™s still Reinhardt or lose.

My problem is I love playing tanks I just dont like playing overwatch at the moment

I noticed the same thing. There are plenty of DPS and usually support players, but tanks are hard to find. I think itā€™s because the main tanks have very static (non-mobile, not really ā€œplaymakingā€) gameplay, and are also reliant on having a good team. Honestly, playing Orisa feels more like a chore than a game.

Well I got ideas for that too.

The only reason I donā€™t want to play tank anymore is because Iā€™ve done it for so long AND am only good with D.Va. Other than that tank just doesnā€™t vibe with me.

Halt is too broken anyway. I eventually got fed up of that last season.

Buffing her Iā€™m not sure would fundamentally change much anyway.

Itā€™s rare with randoms that people will pick tank unless they have to, but I find that people are sometimes happy to do it as long as itā€™s for a well-rounded team. For example, I love playing Winston but I canā€™t do it with a solo healer. I also enjoy Reinhardt, but not if Iā€™m trying to block for two snipers and a Genji who wonā€™t use my shield. It pretty much depends on the rest of my team.

More variety is always nice.

Also Iā€™ve held together some comp games before with 2 offtanks when I picked Mei. Well placed walls can block almost any ultimate.

Role enforcement is needed, throughout the game. And donā€™t give me this LFG excuse bullcrap.

I used to main so I try not to anymore just so I can get good at something else.

But I really donā€™t like playing tank anymore because no one wants to play tank anymore. Being the only tank is like having a huge target on your forehead. If you donā€™t have a couple healers around keeping you going then youā€™re just focused at every fight and dead in 3 seconds.

Hey Tider, what do you think about that idea I posted above?

Originally I had been thinking using it for Comp games, but do you think it would help Quickplay games?

šŸŒŸ [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

Not exactly reliable either. You get those situations sometimes where the enemy just make a worse comp than you.

Unless this weekā€™s patch is a serious tank balance patch, Iā€™ll say with plenty of confidence that Blizz just donā€™t give a damn about the state of Tanks. Itā€™s gone on forever, theyā€™ve never even acknowledged how broken and unreliable Orisa is; all we had about her is that Jeff doesnā€™t like her.

Dive is dead, and they released another dive Tank thatā€™s added nothing to the game; so weā€™re still getting demands for more tanks.

Itā€™s ridiculous by now.

It would be so easy to fix though.

  • Disallow 3x Healer at hero select
  • Brigitte
    • Repairpack only heals for 75.
    • Rally armor sits above shieldhealth.
    • Inspire heals for more, but doesnā€™t self heal.
    • Brig self heals whenever her shield is up.

I donā€™t think we need to see more Brig nerfs.