No wonder no one wants to play tank

I will say I think this 2-2-2 system is starting to push more people apart since each person is blaming the other two parts for not doing their jobs. I have yet to try and play support, but I main DPS, but flex with tanks and supports. My first tank match went fine, we won and my rein kept the enemy back and it was enjoyable.

My second match, none of my healers healed me, our off tank kept trying to flank and got picked, and our dps kept trying to flank with no shield and got picked. Usually ended up dps supports behind my shield attacking and us dying everytime. After that I haven’t touched it. The 2-2-2 makes you rely on your team more, and if they aren’t pulling their weight, you are going to feel it.

I have played games as dps when both tanks just try to play enemy backline, and as dps I’m holding the front with my McCree with the two healers, our other dps actually was playing very well with reaper, but he was more keeping a widow away. However we barely lost, if we had those tanks or at least one, we probably would have won. I think that is why a lot of people are upset is the roles are locked so when you have underperforming roles you can’t flex to fill them to help the team win.

It’s new I understand, going to be growing pains, I will just saying from a dps main, eo the good tanks who give me room to put down damage and the supports who don’t ignore me and just heal your friends or just the tanks, I appreciate you.

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Play tank sucks like heck, while i dont ho after enemy supports, i do the little shield dance as reinhardt protecting my team and pushing up closer. trying to take up space, but damage just get thrown out and thrown out. Im in the frontline and people let doomfist or junkrat sneak in behind me and kill me i can only focus front i expect people to do something behind me but nope. Running around doing nothing

DPS can never DPS, supports go heroes with not enough healing output to match this damage creep lately. It feels bad, and tanks were one of my fav role i actually had fun playing orisa (considering i have about 5 days worth of play time) nowadays i just cant stand more than 1-2 games

This. Since people can’t flex to any role they just blame others instead of trying to help each other. Everyone is responsible for a win/loss and you should be trying to support others.

I’m really hoping that Blizz adds more in role flexing. Give more diverse abilities and counters, especially in the Tank and Support roles. Spread the responsibility around so everyone has a stake in winning.

And sometimes you do have to adapt to a bad teammate, or a teammate you think is bad because they’re playing in a way that doesn’t fit with how you’re playing. If your DPS goes genji and Tracer and want to flank maybe you shouldn’t run Orisa/Rein and have no one to shield… Maybe go Rein/Ball or something. Maybe Ana to heal the flankers at a distance or Mercy to fly to them.

Again, it’s not about support (the other hated role), it’s about characters being interesting and balanced.

Role lock didn’t make tanks and support more interesting. It blamed players for a Blizzard problem called tanks and support aren’t fun to play for most people. So ‘forcing’ people to play them, or waiting, really just, once again, misses the entire point.

Sure character balance and making them more interesting is harder. But that’s the job to do. Players aren’t wrong, DPS is the most fun and interesting role to play with more characters than any other role.


I do agree that Blizz needs to think of the game from the player base perspective. Role lock is fine, but 2/2/2 is iffy cause you don’t have even numbers of players for each role.

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This 2/2/2 situation just plain sucks.

I queue as tank and play ball, dont care

I dont even try to queue as dps anymore, i only go to QP classic and pick what i want.

Last time i tried dps in comp i played only one game and wasted an hour in queue by having two games cancelled at first fight, so i queued 3 times (35-40 mins) to get one actual game as DPS.

Sorry, role lock indeed does not let you play DPS in comp anymore.

I used to play 4-5 full games an hour. Now it is one


Tanks aren’t reliant on dps just healers. Dps is reliant on everyone not tanks. Dps are reliant on tanks to create space and healers to heal them. They literally can’t go in to make big plays with tanks drawing attention. A dps with bad tanks impossible. A tank with and dps. Still possible. Tanks can frag. Main and off tanks.

Same. Do your job? Good luck. You’re going to be paired with those that do not. Such is the nature of the low rank play.

There was a very poignant post recently over in this thread:

Hits the nail on the head, good and hard.

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Role Queue didn’t make Tank, DPS, and Support separate categories. Role blaming has always existed way before 2-2-2 was enforced so I don’t know why so many people are using this as justification.

People also make flexing sound like something that always swooped in and saved the day.

Scenario people who hate 2-2-2 see:

“Our DPS is underperforming I know!”

*types in chat

‘DPS, switch with me, be a tank’

‘Of course, here.’

*players switch and the game is saved!

What actually used to happen:

“Uhh you fcking suck! I’m going to switch.”

*becomes another DPS

*DPS doesn’t switch leaving 5 DPS and 1 Healer


People on underperforming roles need to fall

But they don’t fall fast enough.

The real problem is people get too much for winning even when they got carried.

The justification being it is a team game


I don’t expect to win any games filling tank and support on the weekends, just embrace it. There is 0 competitive integrity in this mode so stop treating it like it is an actual mode deserving of the word cuz it ain’t and it’ll never be.

If you want the real competitive experience 6 stacking and scrimming is the only way.

Don’t sell yourself short on your carry potential.

However as a tank, it’s up to you analyze if your team can support your playstyle. You really can’t make them switch to a hero they’re not comfortable with and expect them to perform as well. However if you yourself can be flexible, you can carry games.

To help your tank partner, you have to enable them to take space and to keep them from being focused down.

To help your DPS, it is your job to maintain a frontline so they don’t get run over and draw the enemy fire.

To help your Supports, stay alive so they can charge their ults. Obviously you also protect them.

Of course, not every contributes equally. You have analyze whoever is doing the most work, then use your resources keep them alive.

Ah great i had a plat game and killed 5 people 20 meters infront of the finish line

We still lost

Stop crying, sometimes it just b like that and as a tank your carry potential is actually insane.

Recognize the biggest issue and try to fix it. Eg. Help your tank or kill flanker as offtank. In fact, as offtank you HAVE TO pressure flanker when theyre opressive

Had a good one recently when our Orisa and Rein shields (we played double shield) went down faster than their single Sigma shield, and the same DPS players who wouldn’t shoot the enemy shield tried to blame us for the round. I had gold elims with 1 elimination that defence. Weird part was we actually won that game in the end lol.

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It’s because ppl can blame the tank without being told they are the tank now and they can show everyone how it’s done if they are such an expert.

It’s dvas job to peel for backline.
If it’s taking that long for you to dive their healers and boost back to position… It’s on you.

I am not sure what it needs for these “main tankers and off tankers” to understand that you have to eliminate as well. No one cares about your damage.

I pick McRee, I stun Genji on ultimate, I am reloading because I am out of bullets, none of my two tanks that stand next to him do anything for 3 seconds.

why is this so relatable :skull:

I agree with this. I was shutting down diamond tracers when i was low plat 2600. Dva has all the tools necessary to make tracers life hell

I love playing tank, especially now that I’ve learned how to better position myself with natural cover in order to mitigate damage (thanks shield nerfs).