No wonder no one wants to play tank

When you have two-three games in a row with crummy healers and dps who can’t concentrate on a single target, all the while your other tank is somewhere trying to swing his hammer at the smurf Tracer who keeps tearing you up.
Ah, EZ gg, thank you, that 2-0 stomp was so fun.
Meanwhile, I have gold elims as either Orisa or D.Va trying to take out their healers and getting something done. Ah, double kill, no, not going to go in, oh that Tracer just killed both DPS because our Moira is trying to play…DPS and passive Lucio heals, while appreciated, aren’ enough.

Ugh- just, just needed that off my chest. I main tank, and this season has been rough, placed gold in DPS and healer, and with my placement matches and games so far, I’m in the lower 1800s now.


Maybe you should stop hunting enemy healers and actualy do your job. Go peel for your support and dps, help to kill tracer.


oh, hi there :slight_smile:
are you going for enemy supports alone or with at least one damage player with you? if alone - rather stay with the bulk of the team, if with damage player - is it taking you two that long that tracer single-handedly wipes your backline?

If you’re playing tank, focus on the tank fight first, then focus on keeping your dps alive second (both of these are extremely high priority). Make the tanks feel like they can’t do whatever they want. You shouldn’t be focusing healers as Sigma or Orisa. If there’s a Moira feeding and you can kill her because she’s making a mistake, sure, but that shouldn’t be your objective when walking into a fight.

I’m a DPS main and across 2 accounts, the role I have the most success on is tank. It’s EXTREMELY easy to control the pace of the game and absolutely walk over people. If you’re not having success doing what you’re doing, then change something.

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Not his job either…
His other tank was Rein. Meaning he was off tank.
He should be assisting his main tank. So with a rein, giving him a bubble when he is swinging his hammer between enemy players.(also a big mistake of many zaria’s they waste bubbles… So dont bubble just before a fight, or if you think he will be engaging soon, but wait till he actually is fully committing into an engagement )
But the main tank did not know the job of a main tank.
Rein should be focusing on creating, or holding space.
Not taking care of a flanker. That is the dps job.
Yes, an offtank or dive tank can peel or attack a flanker. But not chase him all over the map. And if you do this… make sure your main tank stops moving forward or engages into a fight with the enemy main tanks.(only time a rein should stop pressing W, is when his team is busy taking care of a flanker)

But assisting a bad player is also bad even if it is your job.

So the best option in his case, is play the game as if he was a solo tank. So a good choice would be hammond. Ask your team to go range or dive and play a hammond setup. Ignoring 2nd tank.


I am not saying you are wrong, but if your dps and support is being killed by tracer, dealing with that tracer is priority number one for your team. And can definitely help to save teammates agaisnt her.

Saying its dps is nice but if dps cant do it its up to you, doesnt matter which roke you play. If you want to climb, you have to compensate for others from time to time.


Dva can make that Tracer’s life hell. Off tank is supposed to peel, what’s wrong with that?


I agree, sometimes you are forced to do someone else job.
But in those cases its a lost most of the times anyway.
Only if your opponent has the same problems you still make a chance.

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Dva is a dive tank.

Still choosing DVA just to be able to do someone else job makes your main tank weaker. For example: if the enemy run rein + zaria and your team runs rein + dva. Your rein will get a much harder job holding or taking space, then the enemy rein has. Since he will get bubbles and can swing his hammer for a few seconds without taking damage.

uh hello…off tank job is to peel and to support the tank and to balance the two appropriately with good callouts


Dva is made to peel for supports. It’s literally the most important thing she does. It is her job. Her first job. That’s why she was so heavily played in dive meta besides her being very strong
She made playing tracer harder just by existing around the supports. High level dvas would always position themselves close to the support line. Dive to kill a target that’s vulnerable or dive with the main tank just to go back and protect the back line. It’s a dps job to eliminate healers. Not protect the backline besides mccree. A tracer genji duo is not going to be in the back line dealing with a tracer because that’s dvas job.


So what you are saying a dva job is to chase the tracer all over the map, since that is his job??
For example numbani defense, your team is on high ground and an enemy tracer starts attacking you from the back. You peel and he runs away. You start chasing all the way back to their spawn.
But at the same time your team is attacked by the rest of the enemy. So it is a 1-2-2 vs a 2-2-1. 2 tanks vs 1.

Like i said:

Dva is both off tank and dive, so yes she should peel.

And yes DVA is good vs tracer but dva + rein vs rein + zar will not work.
So best is to go full dive if you play against a comp with rein zar and a good tracer

Peeling is not running around after Tracer all over the map buddy.


Lately ive been losing dps sr because our tanks want to run 2 off tanks on hybrid and payloads.

4 out of 5 games i get bozos


Tank is the most difficult to climb because you are the most reliant on your team.
If your healers aren’t healing, tanks die because they don’t have the dmg/reach to kill things effectively.
If dps isn’t killing things, then enemy shields stay up, enemies are healed, dps is still crashing down on your team and your team can’t defend/push up.
Then if you aren’t doing your Tank job because of everybody else is doing their job poorly, they blame you because you’re not on fire or you don’t have gold whatever.
How are you expected to do well as a tank if your team can’t follow up? It’s so frustrating.


Yeah one player has to make up for the shortcomings of people who shouldnt even be in their games. Sounds like a good matchmaking system to me


Barrier tanks like rein and orisa have a harder time. No mobility and not managing the shields lets the enemy run all over you.

It’s the bruisers like, Zarya and Roadhog who are better at protecting the backline.

But because of their high damage, most people play them as dps in the front line.


If the enemy team is getting into the backline and killing your healers then you can’t blame them for not healing you.

To heal they have to be alive and as a tank your job is to protect the backline.

I will say I think this 2-2-2 system is starting to push more people apart since each person is blaming the other two parts for not doing their jobs. I have yet to try and play support, but I main DPS, but flex with tanks and supports. My first tank match went fine, we won and my rein kept the enemy back and it was enjoyable.

My second match, none of my healers healed me, our off tank kept trying to flank and got picked, and our dps kept trying to flank with no shield and got picked. Usually ended up dps supports behind my shield attacking and us dying everytime. After that I haven’t touched it. The 2-2-2 makes you rely on your team more, and if they aren’t pulling their weight, you are going to feel it.

I have played games as dps when both tanks just try to play enemy backline, and as dps I’m holding the front with my McCree with the two healers, our other dps actually was playing very well with reaper, but he was more keeping a widow away. However we barely lost, if we had those tanks or at least one, we probably would have won. I think that is why a lot of people are upset is the roles are locked so when you have underperforming roles you can’t flex to fill them to help the team win.

It’s new I understand, going to be growing pains, I will just saying from a dps main, eo the good tanks who give me room to put down damage and the supports who don’t ignore me and just heal your friends or just the tanks, I appreciate you.

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Play tank sucks like heck, while i dont ho after enemy supports, i do the little shield dance as reinhardt protecting my team and pushing up closer. trying to take up space, but damage just get thrown out and thrown out. Im in the frontline and people let doomfist or junkrat sneak in behind me and kill me i can only focus front i expect people to do something behind me but nope. Running around doing nothing

DPS can never DPS, supports go heroes with not enough healing output to match this damage creep lately. It feels bad, and tanks were one of my fav role i actually had fun playing orisa (considering i have about 5 days worth of play time) nowadays i just cant stand more than 1-2 games