No, Widowmaker isn't balanced

in a game like overwatch precision heroes will always be unbalanced, hanzo kind of gets a pass because projectiles in this game are so forked you sometimes better of charging and and punching people in the crotch.

unless she moves! (advanced pro strategies)

yeah for example flying to bird’s-eye view or teleport behind enemies so shields dont matter
 sure, seems legit. (sarcasm off)
but tell me, what about this stupid barrier near a capture point (who the f
 just thought of that anyway???)? just go hanzo-stlye and move in? that at least isnt fair to widow at all :smiley:

dont think so. its just that some heros need aim and others dont (which deal many dmg anyway)

point here is that precision is the only point mattering when u look at widow (edit: since positioning and map awareness is a deal for every hero actually). widow could have so many nice tactial aspects for recon or balanced dmg-skill-output (eg by the urge to remove 1 shot kills on headshots!!) but instead shes just a killing-machine for pros and a useless hero for most of the other ppl

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Widowmaker DOES need a rework. No question.
Her kit is so boring.

Become stationary turret and 1 shot kill the opponent or you are screwed.
Either you suck so bad that you ruin the game for your team.
Or you are so good that you ruin the enemy team’s fun by constantly shooting them down from across the map.

No hero falls into this extreme. Not even hanzo.
No other sniper in any other game is stuck playing this extreme duality. They always have secondary skills that still play a major role in the game.
Meanwhile Widow’s entire kit and game play is “Get those headshots”.

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Literally every hero needs to aim.
Thats not the issue.

The issue is every other hero are not limited to a single purpose. “Get headshots” but widow is.

Aim isnt the problem - easy 1 shots are.

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How is this a problem I don’t understand?
Are you expecting a new player to be able to easily land headshots the first minutes he starts playing Widow?
Why are you making this game so easy and so boring?
Grinding, practicing, and then being rewarded for that effort is what makes Widowmaker enjoyable to play.
Sorry, Widow is a classic sniper, do not ruin her.



Hoo boy, that’s rich.

Thanks for the laugh.

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Who said anything about new players?

Also she is nothing like classic snipers. In virtually every game besides CSGO they get other abilities like scouting enemies with devices, camouflaging themselves, setting spawn points behind enemy lines and so on.
Widow and her entire kit revolves around single headshot kills. Thats it.
She gets no other fun abilities thats even advertised in her own shorts.
Like sticking unto walls, getting places no one can reach for you know

Actually I would argue that YOU want this game to be boring where widow is concerned. You think setting down a mine and using that pethatic grapple hook is engaging? Since when do snipers in games stand up straight in a totally exposed area to take a shot?

No. Widow needs to change, the only think that’s fun about her is that you actually manage to hit something. And her entire kit is revolved around standing completely still and exposed to get that shot.
Its boring.


 if you define aim for not looking in the wrong direction i cant negate that.
but since hitboxes arent equal for each hero some require more and others less aiming precision. and besides i wont accept talking of aim when i look at hanzo spamming arrows and killing and killing and killing without ever realy aimed for a head or something (but that might be another topic since i hardly dislike hanzo, his output and complete design) or a winston just pressing left mouse while being faced towards the enemy or junk or actually every hero that doesnt have a must-go for the head (or at least precise body shots) to be effective.
imo its okay that not every hero does need that much aiming but aiming should be rewarded and there might be other possibilities than just 1-shot-killing.

i definitley join you sayin she needs a rework. make her tactial and a nice dmg-support or something (and dismiss hanzo :smiley: )

my suggestion: Dmg-output relying on distance to enemy, max dmg of 175 or even less per shot or something, headshots dealing just slightly more dmg but instead refill ultimate much faster. grapple cd decresed to 6 or 7 with the ability to stick to walls (without the chance to scope) and using sling a bit like hamster does to move around the map. ability to set a mark on the map for important tactial targets once per life.
also possible way of camouflage would be look-like enemy (just like spy in team fortress) or become less visible or make that beam disappear when shooting in scope mode
 dunno, there are so many chances to make widow more interesting! :slight_smile:

Petition to make widow a chair so she doesn’t have to stand too much.

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signed!!! :slight_smile:

Nothing will change so long as brig exists.

There is a reason teams have so much reliance on massive long range 1 shot damage, its because it allows value to be gained against a hero that needs to be closer to enemies for her to gain value

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“Another widow is her only counter!”

Genji: Defelect, wallclimb headshotmelee
Roadhog: Pull her down from her spot and 1 shot her
Winston: Jump and taser her to death. Did she jump away? Wait 3 seconds and do it again.
Tracer: Sneak up behind her and 1 clip her
Hanzo: Sonic arrow and headshot her when she peaks because free vision
Orisa: Litterally halt her off her spot
Sym: Throw turrets at her and RMB
Moira: Damage orb

You need to understand that while she has a 1 shot kill ability, it’s on the smallest part of every characters hitbox, anyone with mobility or CC ruins her, Anyone with a barrier ruins her and anyone that can also 1 shot / 1 clip ruins her.

You need to stop whining and I mean this in the nicest way possible, get good.


She is not fun to play and there is only 1 way to play.
Stand still and shoot.

None of her abilities make the gameplay more interesting. Its just to push you through to the next phase where you can stand still and shoot.

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at least there would be so much more potential that also fitted the game style much more
 thats an issue for hanzo and widow as well

since i play widow lot in the past i have games that run really good and those where i think i played for the fukn first time. but everytime i wish widow would be more about than just trying to 1shot.
i play her cause of the high skill she needs to have the challenge. implementing different aspects would fit so much and make her so nice imo. just differ her from (the weak part of) hanzo (she sometimes is) to a totally different playstyle hero with tactial and supportive aspects

Lol, you do play widow, right?

Assuming widow is playing at a safe distance:

Genji - requires him leaving his team completely, ignoring any team fight and doing nothing, while the widow still does her job.
Roadhog - Lol, bad widow is bad.
Winston - while it usually works, if the team turns round he’s dead. Also, you need to butt jump to not get headshot out of the air. Also, means no barrier for you team. 3 seconds is a long time when you’re a massive monkey being shot at.
Tracer - see Genji.
Hanzo - valid answer, nerf hanzo.
Orisa - halting her off her spot doesnt kill her.
Sym - valid answer, unless widow shoots the orbs.
Moira - damage orb = no healing orb, but yes, a more valid answer than most of your others.


Tracer and Genji’s JOB is flanking. 90% of the time they are not on the objective, Widow or not. I don’t understand why suddenly with the Widow argument they became Bastions and are needed on point with the team.

With the Winston example, you justified Widow’s strength with a 1v6. Of course Winston is going to have difficulty killing someone peeled by an entire team. Killing Widow 1v1 (as with most games where Widow is alone) as Monkey is really easy.

Orisa: Halting her off her spot doesn’t kill her, but leaves her very open on low ground if she used the hook already to get to the high ground. But that’s not Orisa’s best way IMO. Just putting a shield in her face might as well make her dead.

Sym and Moira are countered by Widow. Yes both orbs are annoying to Widow and force her to relocate at best, but not really a counter to Widow. I don’t know what the other guy was thinking.