No, Widowmaker isn't balanced

Okay. But why is that an issue?

Only if the enemy actually has good aim. Her kit is defined by aiming well and you suck at her if you don’t.

It provokes 0 damage whatsoever, but it gives her mobility to get out of situations.

SHE IS. Run a dive DPS or two, she can’t get out of that, unless you have DPS that are mentally decapitated. Either way, she has many counters but aren’t meta currently. Wait till next season when triple dive is meta, and I can assure you, she’ll have a difficult time.

EDIT: Your team is not suppose to be outside of the shield, neither should the Mercy if not forced to do so, and even then, can the Zarya give her a bubble. I understand the meta doesn’t have many mobility characters currently, but Genji and Tracer aren’t that bad to counter many, fck, if executed correctly, Tracer can be a nuisance for Widow and the healers.

Because right now Widowmaker is that default hero. She is picked by default in every situation unless you’re on a very specific map or you’re against a very specific comp. She has a ~70% pickrate for a reason.

Which happens in higher ranks consistently.

Which allows her to get free damage unpunished to the point that she outclasses other DPS in too many scenarios to be balanced.

I guess OWL players are mentally decapitated, because Widowmaker had a higher pickrate than Genji in Dive meta.


Which doesn’t have anything to do with Widow’s power level, since she was buffed ages ago.

Also you could argue that owl players are simply better on Widow tab Genji, since they are people too.

A sombra main who can’t kill a widow

You don’t even know what a speed ramp is.

All movement trees have a gradual curve to them. It doesn’t set it immediately to 5.5, it has to apply a negative impulse that eases a player back into the 5.5 meter/second movespeed. That ramp takes a good half second to ease into.

It’s not once a game. It’s highly map dependent too, meaning that certain maps will cause the hook to misbehave far more than others, and happen every single time.

You don’t play Widow, why are you trying to argue this? You don’t have any first hand experience with the grappling hook and are trying to push this aside as if it doesn’t matter.

I’m literally the person that logged all of her bugs for her grappling hook.

Platinum averages are the exact middle point average for Widow with 45-50% scoped accuracy and 8-12% crit hit accuracy. They are the benchmark from which Widow’s balance starts.

Oh really? Because we’ve heard from both Valve and Riot Games that they balance at the equivalent “Plat/Diamond” in interviews to see the most impact in balance changes.

We’ve also heard from Nintendo from the director for Smash, and in conference panels held by Capcom for their respective FGC games that they specifically avoid top-down eSports-first balancing.

Overwatch getting changes from the top down is a direct result of private closed door meetings with OWL players, not because the game directly prefers Grandmaster feedback over all others.

Being one of the best players doesn’t mean that you get what you want. Don’t get comfortable with Blizzard’s current OWL catering, because that’s a bubble that will eventually pop. They will have to prioritize their main body of players over the top 1% eventually.

Not true at all. Widow is actually the exact character who can’t carry games and relies the most on her team to focus the objective. If her team can’t pull their weight, she doesn’t win.

She’s being nerfed because of those aforementioned closed door meetings with pros. Not because she’s imbalanced. Because, as you said, Platinum has her with the 11th most picked/winning hero

Ana’s damage nerf, Sombra hack cooldown and rework, Bastion rework as a whole, Symmetra reworks, Lucio reworks. None of these are related to players playing to their character’s potential. These are all changes that are independently chosen by Blizzard.

Furthermore, Widowmaker is bad.

She’s been in a bad state since the first patch post-launch and has been recovering ever since, to the point where she never feels correctly powerful for any of the playerbase below top 1% play.

If a character has to be gated by pure player skill, with a singular scaling mechanic, that character is a joke character. Full stop.

Widow’s headshot mechanic just happens to scale to the top, putting her on the map in Grandmaster. All of the downsides of her kit can be compensated for by pocket healing and hard peel to allow her upside to shine
 that doesn’t make her good
 that makes her teammates good.

Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 can 0-100% an enemy’s healthbar in about 5 seconds flat with his Turnabout mechanic and yet he routinely places bottom 5 tier lists because the rest of his kit is lacking and any successful 0-100% requires insane player skill. Marvel players have to specifically run teams with good tag assists to make up for Phoenix Wright, and even then there are a half dozen other characters they could be playing that gives more value.

I’m done here. Honestly, good for you. You happened to post something at the exact time Blizzard catered to pro DPS carries.

Don’t get too excited though, your matches will literally not change at all in Grandmaster until they rebalance other heroes.

They didn’t play Widowmaker until after she got buffed too much. The Mercy changes didn’t help either, but that is just part of the game now. She isn’t getting reverted.

A sombra main who is stuck in plat

No, it doesn’t. It is set to 5.5. That is how Boosters specifically work.

Yes, it is. Not only have I played Widowmaker (, I’ve watched people play Widowmaker. It isn’t a common occurrence.

You made a list with examples because its something you need to pick out. Sombra has tons of bugs as well, yet I still admit they are rare.

They are not a benchmark. The benchmark is the level the best Widowmakers play at, not the average ones.



Good. I already explained why.

They’re catering the balance around the best players, and I already outlined why that should be done.

Are you kidding me? Carpe solo carried Philadelphia to the OWL finals, and Soon carried LAV to a Stage 4 victory. Widowmaker is one of the hardest carrying heroes in the game. Not only can you climb with every hero, Widowmaker is one of the easiest.

She has the highest ST winrate in OWL and the highest DPS pickrate in OWL. That is why she is being nerfed. She is too powerful when good players play her.

No, they weren’t. Ana was statistically overpreforming before her damage nerf. Sombra was preforming poorly so her Hack was buffed from 12 to 8 seconds. She was later reworked because she was only viable farming Healthpacks, something Blizzard didn’t intend. Bastion was reworked because he was bad. Symmetra was reworked because she was bad. Lucio was rework because he was a must-pick. All of these are changes that either came up because a hero was unbalanced, with the exception of the Sombra rework.

That is 1/6.

Widowmaker is not bad. Some Widowmaker players might be bad, but Widowmaker is OP.

Widowmaker was balanced before. She was never OP until the grapple buff.

Sounds like revisionist history from you.


Widow rework? :thinking:

1 Like

Widow 2.0: Replaced sniper with grappling gun. Grappling hook replaced by poison spray. Venom mine radius increase 900%. New secondary weapon: minigun. New passive: spider sense enemies visible through walls.

Developer notes: You hate our reworks? OwO??? Screw you. UmU


I aint a Sombra main, I aint stuck in plat, and I can kill widows as Sombra which is something you apparently cannot achieve.

Sombra is your most played hero in comp, you’re 2684 and I would take Carpe over you any day.

same problem with the new hanzo

His mobility ability is just too much when you couple it with his rework of scatter

Hanzo is no more a sniper, or yes he’s still a sniper cause he can OS a 250hp character and has better abilities that give him more mobility

I dont know how this game is going, all I see is for example Pharah who did not get any change since 2 years, she’s one of the worst design character, all her counters and soft counters get significants changes that help them deal with her, and her is more and more a meme only really viable with mercy

Widowmaker is the wildcard of the game.

630 hours WM btw

  • Today I had a “pocket mercy” player with me. We DESTROYED teams and got 59% of the team’s picks and damage. Everything from Spawn camping, to lock outs of key choke points coming from spawn and we absolutely shredded, in a deadly game of lock-down against the other team.

  • In solo-que, where nobody is helping me. I get shredded to pieces by DVA, Hanzo, and Winston.

Its a tough call. Honestly. I couldn’t even imagine being the dev team on this matter. Shes great when a team pairs with her. And she is bad when everyone “bar fights”. in a match.

Widow and Hanzo are both bullshi.t heros

widow is either to strong or to weak but never really fitting!
hanzos output (i relate to everything, not only dmg) in comparison to skill needed (just saying “spamming random shots”) is redicilous
and he is playable on medium to long-distance as well what i saw.

mix up both chars and create a solide, non op char with which a casual player can be useful as well as a pro (decent movement, no 1-shot-kills, high dmg relying on high distance, pretty nice tactical aspects, just something like that). this game isnt only about owl, so i think this would be a good point! just delete the other one.

at the moment, widow is definitly not balanced. whoever arguments (to strong or to weak cause she depends only on headshots with her small hitbox) is right imo. should make ppl think

And I would take a boosted mercy over the sombra main who apparently cant kill a widow looooool

There are so many things that arent true here lmao. “She is an undivable killing machine who is only countered by another Widowmaker clicking her head.”? really? okay first of all, no. Genji, sombra, widowmaker, phara, junkrat,, doomfist and many others counter her, little to no meta strats are CENTERED around her, infact she can barely work if there are any dps that focus her for more than 5 seconds AND shes perfectly balanced, not to mention she WILL be getting a +2 seconds to her grapple in just a few days, so there, happy now?

You know, not everything is about OWL right? there are so many millions of people playing this game, dont just take examples form the OWL

Put up a barrier and she’s useless.

+2 on grapple since widow isnt mobile and everything, yet? wtf
 are they on crack? :smiley:

just a typical blizz phenomen we will notice in more and more aspects over time: great games gettin “balanced” to a level they are shi.tty as hell and blizz isnt focusing on the great number of casual player but instead the owl
 maybe is there more money to earn or something? :smiley: