I keep seeing these posts acting like we owe something to Blizzard for “giving us Overwatch 2 for free.” Stop, it’s nonsense. They are literally TAKING Overwatch 1 and giving us nothing in return. The only people losing anything are, in fact, the people who currently own Overwatch. A couple skins or whatever else they’re trying to pass off as the great gift of a “Founders Pack” is absolutely nothing compared to removing a full game out of my library. The delusion is astounding.
Geez, i wonder what tf2 fans felt when the game went f2p and they only got a hat.
They probably haven’t cried this hard
All this just to “keep” our skins into OW2.
Who cares about skins being transferred when the game is being deleted and replaced with inferior version?
Except TF2 didn’t get replaced with garbage.
I think what OP is pointing out is that OW2 is making extremely drastic changes to both the game and the model in which core gameplay content is being released.
If they were just making OW1 free to play with lootboxes openable with keys, I dont think anyone would really have an issue with that. I don’t think the issue people have is “waahhh i paid for this game, other people should have to as well!!!”
Maybe not OP, but many people actually says this.
I’m on this forums like all day and so far I haven’t seen anyone say this…
Check other socials then. Right the drama is about battlepasses so people are focused on this, give em time
If it’s something on reddit and twitter then i dont know. I dont use either.
As someone with about 2k hours on tf2 (and yes, I bought it), I didn’t care about TF2 going f2p. They didn’t take TF2 away from me. Most of my hours came from after it went f2p. They are literally taking overwatch away. They are actually going completely against the model they laid out when OW2 was announced. Jeff said they’d keep the OW1 servers up as long as players wanted matches.
Destiny 2 removed 2 dlcs, and you couldnt access them anymore, and you know what, that was the last time i played that game, and i wont ever again. Exactly the same is going to happen with overwatch, i have respect for myself and i wont allow them to threat me like that.
destroy anything that doesn’t respect you and you will never regret it.
Easy to say, but damn it sucks. Never invested myself in a game as hard. Never really bought merch, aside from a couple fallout shirts, never collected aside from Pokemon cards when I was kid. Nothing close to Overwatch. I can’t even sell off my entire overwatch merch/collection because people bought me overwatch things as gifts and I can’t sell gifts from my family/GF because I don’t like OW anymore. Feels bad.
victory comes from sacrifice.
Well then quit. If you play live service games then you have to deal with those kind of things. Stick with annual releases or single player and co-op games then. Or some fun other games. But you are complaining that you dont like the “live service” model and despite that playing live service games.
Who is at fault here?
Overwatch came out prior to this battle pass nonsense. The biggest concern people had about OW was that you’d have to pay for heroes. Blizz marketed the game on the fact that you would never have to pay for heroes, maps, or modes and that heroes would be available to everyone upon release. Nobody expected this from Blizzard when they bought this game back then. Blizzard was still a very reputable company and considered one of the only ones that cared about its players. Overwatch was supposed to remain overwatch “until players stop wanting matches.” If you’re saying he doesn’t like games that sell themselves as one thing and eventually deliver/devolve into something no one could have foreseen, then yeah, I agree. I don’t like that either. But again, everyone took Blizzard at their word, because Blizzard was still Blizzard back then.
Oh they did. I was there at the time.
They got over it in time.
and now it’s ruled by bots apparently
When I left, it was for Overwatch. TF2 had become a trading simulator for me by that point anyway. Made hundreds buying and selling hats. Probably even bought OW with my TF2 sales.
Honestly? I think you are the ones who say that OW2 gives us so many things … they know absolutely NOTHING about what OW2 has compared to OW1. And neither do I actually. I’ll explain:
- the first beta explained to us how an OW2 could work with passives in the classes, the 5v5, ping system and various rework. it made a lot of sense to propose;
- the second beta … what exactly did you test? the new hero, crossplay and some EXC in Moira / SYmmetra / Mercy?
Instead I say that the second beta was COMPLETELY useless because it didn’t explain many, too many parts that make up OW1. Compare this beta to the one we had in 2015-2016
- the functioning of the gallery and its new currencies? No testing;
- The requirement to access comp mode now that there are no XP levels anymore? No testing;
- experience the coexistence between comp, quick and arcade modes in the 5v5 context? No testing and indeed, it is quite ridiculous to just put the rules of comp mode in a single game mode;
- Useful annotations on social functions such as guilds? completely non-existent;
- based on the recent leak: feedback on the idea of the heroes to be unlocked by simulating a free path (noting if it is too strenuous a requirement)? No, no simulation;
if you’re looking at the very old beta of OW1, we practically had a full version of Ow just waiting for an upcoming launch. the shame of blizzard for now is that of having made OW1 a loser who does not deserve a good epilogue, but of this OW2? honestly it’s an half unknown if you start counting exactly all the features that haven’t been seen. I basically think we’re too ignorant to both justify OW2 as “the savior of the franchise” and to accuse it as that which killed the game. Especially considering that the final announcements have not arrived.
No they fixed that. Bots are alot easier to handle now.