No tank beats Mauga

How do u counter Mauga without using Mauga? (don’t have 50 quickplay/comp since he came out)

What’s the best tank? Literally no tank counters that tank.

there is no “best” tank but here’s what i would pick:

with sigma if he just tries to blast you then you can just get a nice big shield off him for free and then stun and hope your team follows up to kill him. his barrier is likewise good unlike reinhardt because you aren’t worthless without your barrier as sigma like rein is.

winston is good if you’re able to jump around and isolate people on his team since if they’re farther back he won’t be able to as quickly react and if he does you can just jump back out

zarya is worth considering since he might hose you a bit and power up your barrier instead of committing and just burning through both of them. zarya’s only a thread if you poke her and don’t commit to burning her down. but like sigma she doesn’t have any mobility

doomfist can be good if you get the jump on him, ideally with an already charged punch. like winston he is excellent at jumping on and isolating solo targets but he also has enough power to rout mauga/make him flee or withdraw

rammatra is an excellent choice for reasons similar to sigma, you can just plant your barrier infront of him and hit him until it breaks and then either back off or bully him if he gets close with nemesis form. only flaw is that your block probably will run out before he runs out of ammo so be cautious

You know what counters mauga? Mauga.

You wanna really counter mauga? Mauga plus another mauga pretending they are echo, but really they are mauga.

I watch Orisa regularly ruin his life.

Because she’s also quite strong atm

I do it consistently with Signal, Orisa, and Dva.

But majority of time I’m playing passive and hit an ability to deny Mauga getting the health back.

You play as the distraction untill your DPS or support get a pick to overwhelm Mauga. The dps passive and his lack of shielding he has a harder time staying in a fight unless he’s got a tank that can’t block damage.

Your job as tank is to give the other heroes a window to punish Mauga with an ability.

And he feeds on open maps for snipers. Keep his attention while build ult charge off his body

Zarya and dva and hog

Hog does the opposite of counter mauga. You are just bringing mauga closer to the rest of your team.

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i think you have to understand maugas strengths 1st to understand how to beat him, he has 2 ways to counterplay enemy tank exploiting him when he doesnt have his strength.

after that you have to understand that his team will counterpick you as tank which is where a lot of his strength as a hero comes from, because 4 vs 1 is always a loss.

mauga isnt going to be shooting the rest of hogs team

First of all, I am Mauga. Second of all, you’re not Mauga. Third of all, you wanna be Mauga, but you can’t be Mauga, because I’m Mauga.

Now he is, now that you conveniently made it easier for him to do so.

mauga isnt a threat to squishies, it is also significantly easier to get value as mauga by shooting tank as well as him outdamaging all tanks

Mauga is a massive threat to squishy heroes, what are you even talking about?

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Mauga is an anti-tank tank, most of them will do poorly against him. Even the ones that are good just die less quickly or deny him value, not kill him.

in my experience as Mauga, the tanks that give me the most trouble are Zarya, Dva and Ram.

Zarya bubbles and Dva DM are good at making him waste Overdrive, which limits his survivability.

Ram and Doom block are strong enough that Mauga can’t really hurt them through it if they have any healing at all, and Ram can usually have a shield back up by the time it’s over and Doomfist will be able to run away. Annihilation lets Ram block through the entirety of Cage Match but Doomfist will just die.

You can try the anti-Orisa strat of just ignoring him and going for his supports as a Dive Tank, but any Dive tank WILL die if they get caught in Cage Match, and Overrun lets Mauga turn around to peel easier than Orisa can. If enemy team has Winston I will usually Overrun back to my supports as soon as he jumps. But this can still work on maps/points where the supps will be on high ground and Mauga isn’t like Kings Row A

Really the best thing you can do is ask for Ana/Zen/Reaper/Bastion

I would go with sigma. Block his first shots with shield, wait for him to reload, deal some damage while thats happening. when he breaks shield you can suck for extra HP. When he overdrives after the suck you can stun him with a rock, rinse and repeat. Sigma is not really designed to destroy and best him but he has the power to completely shut down anything mauga does. If you really want to win though, you need an ana to back you up and constantly toss anti heals whenever the mauga overdrives. The rest is up to you and your team to delete him in under a second. Basically, you as sigma will completely shut down mauga and your ana will follow up with the grenade that allows you guys to completely melt him. That stun is an indicator for your team to also burst him down. Fighting mauga is like fighting hog to be honest, just slightly different.

I would rather get hit in the face with a brick than play sigma, so I usually go dva or ram to deal with mauga.

The weakness of Mauga is that his sustain is based off shooting lots of bullets into big targets, so it makes sense that some tank needs to be on top. Mauga’s biggest weakness is DPS and supports. A zenyatta is devastating. An Ana sucks with bionade. Multiple DPS can obliterate Mauga with the DPS passive and high damage output.

However, the balance of the game is such that there are ways to get around Mauga and target his backline instead. In several cases all you need to do as a tank if simply not allow Mauga to engage you front on. To me, any tanks with natural ways to mitigate Mauga’s sustain and block much of his damage is good.

Orisa outpokes Mauga and fortify hells massively

Zarya can work well with her small hitbox and crazy damage

JQ can also work for similar reasons to Zarya

Sigma works well if you’re good at cooldown management. His shield and grasp are incredible for making Mauga waste his Overdrive

DVA can work well for similar reasons to Sigma

BUT I generally agree with you OP. There are multiple options that CAN work against Mauga, but I wouldn’t say any tank would be considered to have a “favorable” matchup versus Mauga. His design is very, very flawed imo