Despite the positive reaction to her beam length buff on the April 1st experimental, we still don’t get to play test a beam length buff in a serious patch.
14m is all I’m asking for. That’s 1m less than Zarya’s beam, is that really too much to ask?
Despite the positive reaction to her beam length buff on the April 1st experimental, we still don’t get to play test a beam length buff in a serious patch.
14m is all I’m asking for. That’s 1m less than Zarya’s beam, is that really too much to ask?
Favoritism has always played a part in this game and its balancing. A damage hero being able to out-DPS a favored Tank hero? Noooo, never. That would be silly.
No it’s true its true
According to Overbuff, Zarya does ~15k damage per 10 whereas Symmetra does ~14k per 10.
Symmetra even has an extra 120 total potential DPS with her turrets but that’s still not enough to out damage Zarya
Longer beam doesn’t fix her flawed design.
She still lacks defensive ability/reliable escape tool.
Even with longer beam she still relies most of the time on spamming orbs.
She needs another rework or big powershift (from TP and turrets)
I don’t think this would be the patch for it to be fair.
There is some signficant changes to characters here:
For example:
Rein and Bap nerfs and hog buffs
Then there is some inconsequential changes like:
Echo, Orisa, D.Va
That don’t change anything significantly.
If you mix too many “significant” changes your testing environment is now defunct because it can’t tell what is causing the effects. If you buff damage boost to 300% but then buff all the damage heroes to 100000 damage, you can no longer tell which is the issue (obviously both are but I’m speaking in exaggerations).
So especially with brawl/rush components getting nerfed with “significant” changes now would not be a good time to test out Sym’s beam imo.
hopefully 14m is considered for a future patch though and HOPEFULLY SOME GOD DAMN CREE NERFS.
I agree with you Protectus. However any potential rework won’t come until OW2, and that doesn’t even have a release date.
They ignored Sym during 1.0 and 2.0, refusing to buff her at all. I worry they’ve given up on her again.
I wish they’d throw us a bone with some quality of life.
Specifically the Teleporter placement, make it so I can SPAM LEFT CLICK PLEASE WITHOUT CANCELLING DEPLOYMENT.
Chile how many threads do we gotta make asking for this?? If Reaper can have it why not Symmie
Symmie needs this
I want my 14m beam but can we honestly fix the game breaking tp and wall bugs like ASAP smh
Tbh, I don’t want a symm buff, I want a beam powershift. She doesn’t suck, but she needs to be made more consistent imo
cough cough D.Va cough cough
I’d say a decent idea to give her more utility is decreasing the TP animation’s cast time. Then you can use it to set up plays or quickly get out of situations.
She will never get proper buffs because then she would be a threat to Genji.
Symmetra is only a “damage” hero in name.
Her kit is still designed around supporting and a half-baked supporting kit at that.
A mobility ability that takes a long processing time to utilize for herself, in order to balance out that fact that it supports the team from increasing their mobility, too.
An ult that negates damage, similar to support ults that practically negates damage by dealing excessive healing.
And an ability that takes a lot of time to get value out of, due to how it takes time for it to set up, easy to destroy, and the short range it covers.
In design, the short range & being easy to destroy makes sense, due to the slow effect & how the slow effect and small damage they deal, ramps up if they are beaming the same target.
But the time it takes to get that value out of them, you really have to make the stars align & hope the enemies aren’t smart enough to just breath on them.
She’s a damage hero, but her kit does not speak of a damage hero. But instead a recycled support. If they want to keep Sym as a damage hero, all her abilities need to be replaced with something new, that isn’t about supporting the team, but self-sustaining herself better, along with better damaging abilities.
In fact, Symmetra’s right click and left click combination are disaster. The beam skill need handy survival skill to support; but the orb need stationary trap to support. And now, Symmetra get beam and orb together without any support.
confirmed social experiment.
That never stopped them before.
Confirmed troll who begs for dva buffs.
why do you hate dva and dvadiff so much (though it is kinda amusing ngl)