No sojourn nerfs? Patch in 3 weeks? Balance is dead

No Sojourn nerfs does hit really hard, but the fact that it’s taking almost two months for a single balance patch is insane. That’s such a long time for the game to be in such a sorry state of balance.

This means that it could take upwards of four months at the earliest after the game released before we see Sojourn nerfs.

That’s insane. That’s ****ing crazy.


I mean I wasn’t expecting much when they originally said they intended to only balance one per season, at the start of each one.

I gave up on any semblance of balance at that point.

It’s also deceptively easy to hit because the projectile size is huge compared to other hitscan shots, given the way it scales to become low risk high reward.


It’s not a sledgehammer; it means he doesn’t freely spam constantly (which is all the ammo change affects) and the damage change is a revert to past power creep he only needed because of the state of OW1, but even so only changes breakpoints for bodyshots; he’ll largely feel just as frustrating to go against but it simply won’t be as free for those who struggle to hit headshots or those who mindlessly spam.


I definately feel that. I do not play hitscan much if at all as I prefer other types of heroes. but if i’m getting value from her then there’s something up because I can’t aim.


I think the mentioned somewhere their data suggested that SJ is not powerful below GM, so they might be approaching cautiously and catering to majority of the player base, I can live with that

Personally, the random fps drops is the most frustrating thing about the game for me

You guys need to take a chill pill :laughing: It is not the end of the world or the game, you guys are overreacting.

OW2 has been playable/widely tested for just over 3 weeks and you guys are acting like it’s doomsday because we’re getting a balance patch in a few weeks. You need lots of information to be able to make informed balance decisions, and changing just a few heroes changes a lot of things. We’ve seen heroes rise to the top pick without being buffed in the past, and we’ve seen heroes fall out of meta without being nerfed. Sledgehammer balance is not the answer. A mid season patch and a patch between seasons is a good pace. Heck, it took OW1 5 years to be considered “pretty much balanced” and you guys are 3 weeks into OW2 claiming it’s over. :man_facepalming:

ow1 was never balanced, people were very unhappy with its ending quality of balance, blizzard just doesnt know how to balance and they dont actually care about the people that arent in top500 or esports i learned this years ago i dont expect much at all but sojourn is ridiculously overpowered, shes better then the snipers because her oneshot is instant, she can pump out damage between it, her mobility is incredible, she has cc and a “bleed” aoe on top of it… idk why youre so mad people know shes overpowered, people just want her nerfed and are voicing it so blizzard actually might pay attention for once

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OW1 was about as balanced as it could be with the way it was designed. OW2 isn’t perfect by any means, but this isn’t the end of the world :laughing: And, do I seem mad? :sweat_smile: I have no issue with Sojourn getting nerfed, I think she probably needs it… what I’m finding funny is the people saying “game is dead”. Is whatever hero(s) they’re wanting changes for not getting changes really the end of the world? Nah, it’s not.

Sometimes it seems like the forums live in hours or days with the way they’re ready to call it quits at a moments notice.

You expected some level of competency, common sense or even good faith? You just need to look at what OW2 represents then.

It’s not any of those in any shape of the word.

Don’t expect it to be anything else but a shiny cash grab. It’s not like it’s pretending to be anything else anyway.


i really didnt man, i actually mentioned that i didnt expect anything from blizzard at all but it doesnt change that people will ask blizzard to change her because she actually has no counters whatsoever and does everything everyone else can do but better, cc, oneshots, mobility, high dmg between one shots, an aoe, i accepted blizzard for the way it was when they left mercy with the absolute most boring low skill ceiling ability they possibly could have and said she was fine now

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I mean when you look at it, it does put the future of this game into question

it will take 2 more weeks until we get the balance patch that doesnt even touch the most problematic hero…

and their seem pretty set on the shop prices

ngl, the future isnt looking too bright


Just one question: Do you personally overperform with Sojourn?

Tornado, the games been out for 3 weeks. If you really think the future of the game hinges on the first month and a half idk what to tell you tbh… the game has so much room and time to improve, balance isn’t “dead” because of one patch

Which is why they also decided not to nerf Doom and JQ, who were both underperforming in every rank except for GM.

Oh wait…

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Should come as no shock, balance really never existed in Ow1 either and nerfs were always targeted in the wrong direction.

yes it does

First impressions mean everything

Remember cyberpunk?

And before you say it came back, it wasnt because of the game being updated, but rather that show they did


I don’t see Cyberpunk and the disaster it was for a long time as the same as OW2…

OW2 still works as a game and is a lot of fun, a few hero outliers being over or undertuned is not equivalent to Cyberpunk. And OW2 is a live service team based hero shooter with continuous updates for years to come, isn’t Cyberpunk nothing like that?

much drama lol

if it is left to the opinion of the forum players, the game would have to have a buff and nerf patch every day

i read this a cried. Thank you for understanding you amazing creature. BLESS YOUR HEART