No sojourn nerfs? Patch in 3 weeks? Balance is dead

even if Soj was nerfed before launch, shes in 100% of the top players lists right now.
launch the game and check the top player’s top3 characters.
its Soj on every single page, on every single line.

i have also heard zero pros saying she’s fine.
i meant to say “new heroes rarely see significant nerfs soon after release”


Aint arguing against that, in fact i wholeheartedly agree, she needs to either do 27% less dmg or do 1.5x headshot multiplier on her right click.

Ana got hastly buffed actually but still changes are changes.

Doom got super nerfed soon after release.

You have a good point, but JQ and Kiriko aren’t hit scan dps.

Like I said though, she’s not getting nerfed because of OWL. They think two or three players getting one shot by Sojourn will make the audience go wild.

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Oddly specific… Sombra is tho.

Queen is also pretty skill intensive, though i guess they did nerf her least skilled ability so you might be on to something there… it really does look like thats sorta the case, they wanna see just how fun it is to see mirrored Soujourn now that Gengu is nerfed.

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All the more reason to remove her 1-shot. That is what is making her OP at masters+ and removing it would have little impact on lower levels as they are not hitting it that much anyway (and how often on a full-hp hero?).

1-shots are always problematic at higher elos especially when they are hitscan. Stupid adding more of them.


Hanzo is absolutely terrifying at close range unless you’re Reaper or Junkrat maybe. With the projectile size, headshots are basically free and it only takes 1 to kill you. To me, he’s more threatening at close range than at long. I’d much rather fight him at a distance where his arrows at least have a chance of missing.

Both Hanzo and Sojourn exhibit much of the same bad design. Sojourn is basically Hanzo turned up to 11.


They haven’t learned a damn thing from OW1.


They either need to clean house on their executives or pass Overwatch rights to another studio.

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This is the best ow has been since launch, imo this patch should never come!

its official, game’s gone

I remember that post where they stated seasons are supposed to have an identity and that’s why there is only very little patches. So in the future we can remember OW2 season1 as the season where they refused to do anything after the release balance patch while the servers crashed.

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They said that they wanted to put this patch out sooner but there were bugs on their end that they need to fix, and that in future seasons they’ll put out midseason balance patches 4 weeks after the start of a new season, with a big balance patch at the beginning of each season.

I’d love to know what the issues are that make it so they can’t do at least the number tweak nerfs (maybe the sombra double hack thing is tricky) for the live game but they could for the OWL client this weekend…


I feel for anyone who actually believed this company would do anything, relating to game play/balance, “frequently.”


I can’t help but laugh at how they completely ruined doomfist and then fail to even mention him. kek

The playerbase just misunderstood what they meant by it. We ARE getting more frequent updates…to the shop.
New “content” every week pogchamp.

Balance updates to save throwpick heroes and nerfing the terminators?
What do you expect, its only 2022, we have to wait until they send out patches to gaming magazine CD-s.
OWL has it, because they installed it directly with discs…DUH. Technology hasnt advanced to the point when they can just send files using magic to our PC-s. Imagine that, what a wild concept. /s


Meanwhile Zarya melting everyone left and right with its ridiculous mega laser while hiding in invulnerability bubble…


I genuinely don’t understand why the balance team doesn’t work in this game.
Actually i don’t even think there’s a “balance team”


Yep. If Zarya isn’t fixed I’m out. COD came out and is a lot more fun. Sick of loading into every single game and getting destroyed by an invulnerable Zarya.


Just thinking of the video where Geoff is describing Sojourn, dude is clueless how to make a balanced character.