No Significant Widow Nerfs in S14

Yeah, the only argument from these people is Widow’s potential and not how 99% of people actually play the character

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Hey, funny you say that, because you’re like prime idiot around here lol

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That’s all I’m seeing as well.

Well, an issue with Widow is that currently no other hero can consistently interact with her other than another Widow. Everything else takes much more effort (resource investment) than it does for the Widow to simply be aware.

I mean that’s what everyone says. I’ve already said earlier I think 5v5 exacerbated the Widow problem. 1 shot 1 kill means 4v5 instead of 5v6. This disproportionately affects the game offering less counter play potential between the heroes based on the 1 fewer player.

Really excited to see how the 6v6 test feels.

Widow was very strong even in 6v6, but yes 100%.

It’s less a question of team kill percentage than it is a question of available heroes to contest a Widow.
For example, diving a Widow as a solo tank means you leave your backline weak. With current support lineups, youndont have to sacrifice your Widow to engage that backline.

In a 6v6 scenario, you can still leave them protected with another tank.

I am as well!

not to mention no off tank means zoning widow is way harder. she occupies space much easier in ow2. in ow1 a winston or dva could easily zone her out on most maps. in ow2 if dva or winston zones a widow their team gets overrun by the enemy tank.
cant wait for 6v6 test.


I don’t disagree with you at all. Maybe removing Sombra’s perma stealth was a bad move after all being Widow’s most obvious counter. Not too sure on that one since people hate Sombra just about as much as they hate Widow, so who knows the right answer really.

Exactly. I’m really excited for 6v6 to see how every hero interacts in the modern day.


That widow in the video would get a report from me :joy:

It’s clear which hero the devs play.

Not really the subject of the thread, but…

I personally believe that perma-Invis (while still problematic) was less of a problem than Virus.

Perma-Invis allowed Sombra to freely and safely stage, but Virus in combination with Perma-Invis allowed her to freely stage kills, or rather cheese those 1v1s. That’s why she was and still is very frustrating to play against, whether she’s objectively weak or not.

That wouldn’t do much except give the defending widow more of an advantage which isn’t something we want to do. I’ve seen suggestions about making it so she can’t hold a charged shot and it depletes over time, maybe with an audio cue or two for enemies, and i think something like that could work better than just reducing charge rate.

The range nerf didn’t do much then, and it won’t do much if you re-implenent it now. Not saying it won’t help at all, just that it won’t address the main issue.

She also needs a hard mechanical downside at close range, like reverse damage falloff.

A subtle scope flare would be cool to see, but ideally you’d need an indicator that tells you where a widow is watching regardless of if you can see her or not without using a dot or a laser because those can be hidden, which is why they don’t work.

If you can think of a way to make it obvious to the player where the Widow is looking while scoped in while not having to be in LoS of her without doing something as ham-fisted as giving the enemy team wallhacks on her whenever she scopes (which i’m sure the Widow players would absolutely hate) then she can 100% keep her one-shot.

I’m not fundamentally against the idea of one-shots as a concept, they just need to take a significant amount of skill and/or require a significant misplay all while having a significant cost/cooldown. Most Ultimates in the game are a good example of this, Pulse Bomb is probably the best example of a fair one-shot that takes skill to get value from.

What I’d like to see is when it’s not safe to peek when widows ult is active, like sombra sees “detected” and since there are so few picking sombra now days we need some sort of idea when it’s safe. There have been so many times my team-mates yelled at me for throwing where I was just staying in cover cause widows ult was active.

Yes, a notification like “exposed” at the top of your screen (since that term hasnt been used yet) would be a great QoL change.

I actually noticed in classic even if she was very strong I could contest her or threat her easily with the better projectiles like with junkrat at long range , I don’t know what is the idea of giving her so much hp in s9.

Today I’ve been flanking her with Lucio and Genji and a lot of times I risk being headshotted when I turn the corner to ambush her and she escapes with 25% life with his team coming to defend her.

Hanzo instead lose all his breakpoints in s9, and after recovering them, they nerfed him with lower charge speed and have lower damage and takes more time finishing someone that is not headshotted…, I don’t know why widow is untouchable.

It’s a bit of a buffer. It worked very nicely to nerf her on particularly advantageous maps, such as Ilios: Ruins, albeit slightly. I did notice the difference back when she had these parameters. Not all the changes i put above necessarily have to be implemented, or even in the same way.

Maybe very slightly. I’m generally against the idea of reverse fall-off. Hitting a headshot at close range is very difficult. If I’m playing Tracer for example, and she is able to pull it off, she earned that kill in my mind. Perhaps if it was a 250 crit at minimum, it would be fine. She would have to full charge (0.9 seconds charge) to kill a standard HP hero. Anything with HP more that would survive.

Its possible that a directional scope-charging sound could be incorporated (think the PvE OW sniper units,). Audio can be very powerful as a balancing tool.

As a note, any additional changes to scope or audio is for the purpose of giving a player some kind of visual or auditory cue to make a choice, be it taking cover, dodging, or shooting back.

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Snipers are 1-tap long range killers in the real world. Widow is a sniper, so giving her a 1-tap foundation is rooted reality. Of course, real snipers do not need head shots when center mass is a much larger target. The head shot requirement was the one concession that the DEV’s made to limit her effectiveness and lethality.

The only barrier tank I see played regularly is Rein, mainly because he is very good at controlling space and can 1-tap-pin most squishies.

…Too much conjecture to make any informed conclusions. Also there is no way to heal through a 1-tap.

Nothing beats a 1-tap in play value, but aim consistency is still an issue for the bulk of OW2 players. The DEVS run statistical reports all the time, and yet they still let Widow keep her 1-tap, so they must be seeing data that supports her keeping it.

At the end of the day, nothing we post her will matter since the DEVS ignore these forums. I guess debating the subject is still entertaining for many despite the lack of tangible results.

I think this would kill her. Sniping and her whole character design in general is an assassin style of gameplay. Having an audio cue literally pinpointing where you are would scatter everyone and ruin your shots anytime you scoped.

It would be a “here I am come kill me” sound.

It was just a suggestion for the other poster haha
I thought of it before, but didn’t include it for the same reason you state. Visual cue would be enough IMO
There is such a thing as too much.


Yep, the red bullet trail and team mates saying “sniper” just isn’t enough for certain players. :smiley: