No Significant Widow Nerfs in S14

So your plan for victory is to play the lottery, stay in her los and hope that she misses? No, we dont take those risks


Funny how the dumbest strats work in gold therefore they’re expected to work against people who don’t play like bots


Ok so you are Bronze, good to know. Also, how did you manage to stay in Bronze in OW2 after everyone got pushed into Silver and Gold for engagement reasons? That must’ve taken some real skill, about just as much skill as getting a kill on Widow I do believe. You should meet AKJ, you two would love eachother.

Oh it’s very easy to fix, just lower high hp/s (Ana / Juno / Moira) heroes down to Mercy / Zen hp/s, remove the DPS passive, add a new global passive that gives a healing amp of like +50% (+75% for tanks) after 10 (or maybe 7-ish) seconds of not taking damage and boom! You’ve fixed the problem that TF2 solved almost 2 decades ago.

I’m not gonna touch the s9 health changes or the regen because they would theoretically go away with the re-introduction of 6v6 (or the health regen will return in a reduced capacity.)

Also increase the cooldowns of immortalities by like 20%.

It certainly is uniquely unfair and unbalanced in the grand scheme of the rest of the game’s hero interactions i’ll give you that

If you’re able to keep a an eye on her (i.e. consistently be peeking her without getting punished for it) then you don’t play in a high enough ELO to be making balance decisions.

You’d be right at home in the actual balance team though, judging by some of their recent patches.

You were saying that re-implementing 6v6 would solve the problems that Widow causes, instead of simply removing the source of those problems. You’re (only partially) treating the symptoms, not the disease by ONLY moving back to 6v6 and not removing Widow’s skill-less free one-shot.

If you aren’t smart enough to understand what I meant with that comment you DEFINITELY shouldn’t be making game balance proposals if you can’t even read.

we all know what the devs like to play, makes sense right?

Okay you’re just a complete goon lol. What a boring person to have a discussion with. All you do is cry emotionally in an aggressive way that makes you sound like you know what you’re talking about. You just want to dumpster Widow, and if the devs read this, they will realize it immediately. I hope you never get what you want, and I wish you many Widowmaker one-tricks in all your future matches. Merry Christmas!

Seems like a bit of projection methinks :

Hmm… maybe it’s because I actually know what i’m talking about, I’ve presented boatloads of evidence in this thread while you’ve presented none, and given you the benefit of the doubt before talking down to you for being an idiot? Nah… it can’t be that, right?

Yes because she’s fundamentally broken. If “dumpstering” her to you means bringing her down to the power level of every other hero in the game, that’s exactly what I want. Good job! You were correct about something! Here, have a lollipop! :lollipop:

Assuming the devs read this forum is another example of how myopic and moronic you are. They won’t see a thing about your flimsy justification of “buh… whuh… widow take skill because headshot! And headshot take skill! Grug say so!” either if that makes you feel any better. Honestly i’m surprised you can feel anything at all if sitting in a corner holding down a sightline is the peak of excitement this game has to offer for you.

Widow has had her 1-tap from the very start of OW1. She keeps barrier tanks relevant, punishes predictable, linear, or non-cover movement, shuts down endless support sustain, and kills otherwise near-unhittable hyper-mobile targets. Yes, she is very frustrating to play against when the sole tank insist on diving her while she is being protected by her entire team.

Despite all the problems she causes (especially on long maps), she is still a necessary evil – otherwise OW just becomes another damage vs. heals tug of war with no end in sight. She keeps the game exciting and dynamic, forcing most opponents to close the gap via coordinated dive, hunker down with barriers, or counter-snipe to get range parity. She is difficult to play consistently because she demands so much precision aim, but at T500 and above, most players have this prerequisite.

PS: The DEVS largely abandoned this forum because of its ultra-toxic posters. They now post on X (Twitter) since that platform reaches a much larger audience.

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You must have a lot of friends. You seem like such a warm and wholesome person. I appreciate you showing your behind on here. It’s very enlightening to the nature of some humans. All over a video game by the way.

Thank you. Finally someone with sense. Some people are so blinded by hatred they lost their sense long ago and stamp their feet like children.

Again, projection and moral panic.

Claiming someone has to behave the same way in two vastly different contexts because it’s “in their nature” is certainly an interesting thing to do if you’re trying to make the case that you’re not a butthurt buffoon trying to save face.

I’m having fun with this debate, aren’t you?

Oh right, haha, you’re being proven wrong! Of course you’re bitter lmao!

I’m not butthurt at all. I’m genuinely shocked by your behavior and it’s hard to take you seriously as a person. I’m almost upset I gave you a chance at the start since it became this nonsense.

Nerfing Widow’s oneshot without removing it, and still keeping her relevant is very easy.

  • Revert projectile size buff (S9 HP and projectile size changes should be reverted anyway).
  • Nerf charge rate.
  • Revert damage fall-off from 50-70 to 40-60.
  • Introduce scope flare (similar to how Soujourn’s Railgun works).

Damage fall-off and scope flare are the most notable of these.
Damage fall-off requires Widow to position ever so slightly more aggressively (for more heroes to potentially interact).
Scope flare gives you warning to take cover, dodge or shoot her before she shoots you. It would also nerf her ability to use unexpected angles.

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I’m pretty sure this new season did revert them or at least made the hitboxes smaller again? Unless I’m mistaken.

I have no issues with a glint.

From 0.05 to 0.04. Before S9, hitscan had no size and was just a point.

Oh I see. I wonder how much the difference is. I’m not sure how to visualize that.

No, but believe it or not most Widow players miss shots meaning you can move between cover if you do so in a way that makes them miss or doesn’t give them time to aim

They aren’t robots, they are people

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Just because it’s always been there doesn’t mean it belongs. Poor justification to start things off.

Barrier tanks will be played regardless due to how strong barriers are against most heroes.

Ah yes, it’s very predictable to want to peek anything at all ever in this objective-based game.

Maybe we wouldn’t NEED her one-shot to do that if we just, y’know, nerfed the support sustain?

So you’re claiming it’s easy to hit highly mobile targets with a hitscan one-shot, even without movement acceleration. Well then, at least you’re being somewhat reasonable. That role can be filled by other hitscans and heroes with fast-moving projectiles, all of whom are more healthy for the game.

Again, if supports and sustain were nerfed this wouldn’t be a problem and Widow’s one-shot wouldn’t need to exist to counter it.

Ah yes, the exciting dynamic gameplay of standing still behind a wall waiting for your tank to do something about the Widow, or consistently getting punished for diving the hero that’s supposed to be weak at close range. Even you disagree with yourself in your own statement :

I would hardly describe hunkering down behind a barrier or countersniping as “exciting” or “dynamic”.

She requires objectively less precision aim than every other hero in the game and gets more value for it : see earlier in the thread for more details on that.

Mathematically, it is infinitely larger than it was before S9.

As for a comparison between 0.05 and 0.04, im sure somebody will do the graphic on it before long.

Unless you’re an OW League player, no one is hitting every single shot to the point where you absolutely can’t traverse the map at all. If you’re playing at that level, learn a new hero at that point if the one you’re on isn’t working against Widow. That’s such a niche place for majority of the playerbase.

It’s an internet forum. Grow up. If you’re being an idiot i’ll call you one because that’s what you deserve.