No Significant Widow Nerfs in S14

she got two new skins that need selling :rofl:


Yeah if this wasn’t a thing widow wouldn’t be as much of a problem. But the chances of the devs undoing all that is practically zero. Black widow is objectively stronger in almost every way yet is nowhere near as frustrating to deal with. As a dps I can land my abilities on her and she can’t get bailed out by some support pressing E on the floor lol.

most people that use her love those easy wins, just point and click

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Widow being so gigabusted that she can still perform exceptionally well through all of the extra sustain everyone got because of the move to 5v5 and season 9 isn’t exactly the “gotcha” you think it is lmao.


I’m sorry but she CAUSED GOATS??? Not all the sustain and lack of DPS wide buffs? Double Shield? but NOT the heroes that had shields??

She only started truly ruining the game when we went to 5v5. More time, more sightlines, more output, less pressure. Got further enhanced by larger porjectiles later on.

Plat and Diamond Widow players would every full moon completely dictate an entire match. Now you play with or against one and they dictate it 95% of the time. It’s outrageous.

Important to mention their changes to Havana have done absolutely nothing.


Then you haven’t played enough Rivals, Loki alone can bail out Black Widow with his immortality field lol

And then again, metal rank players are the main reason widow is beyond broken right now. People didn’t know how to deal with pre rework Sombra… if only the game had some basic tutorial so these people could learn some counters like: You or your team is getting rolled by a Sombra? Go Mcree, Hanzo, Kiri, Brig, or Junkrat. But then again this game is balanced around garbage players so i expect nothing but bad changes for the game.

It’s more like, if supports are busted because of how much survivability they give everyone, including Widow, and Widow is the only character that doesn’t care despite receiving no changes, then supports are the problem and Widow just exclusively benefits from them being a problem.

In other words, supports being too strong and too easy is the problem, not Widow who is actually quite difficult.

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Please stop pretending that you know what you’re talking about.


What don’t I know? Illuminate it please

Judging by what you say on this forum, you can’t tell the difference between a Tracer and a Torbjorn, but let’s keep it nice and concise to this one point (that many people have probably already explained to you).

Widowmaker simply existing and the threat of her one-shot creates more space more consistently than most of the 5v5 gigatanks can. Just because she doesn’t get a teamkill every fight doesn’t mean she wasn’t impactful. She has insanely powerful area denial abilities by simply existing, and it requires a 5v5 gigatank to even have a chance at contesting her.

That’s why you saying stuff like :

makes you objectively incorrect and not worth listening to when it comes to balance discussion.


If it was balanced around garbage players than Moira would have been dumpstered.

It’s not a low rank issue. It’s a “balance team is not competent” problem lol


Widow existing denies swathes of space? But what about when she misses? Did you ever consider that part in your analysis of the character?

Widow only denies space if she actually kills people. If she misses, what space is she denying exactly?

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You do not need to land your shots to apply pressure, she’s no different than Hanzo or Junkrat when it comes to denying space.


What? Have you not played a match where your Widow can’t land shots before? I assure they’re quite useless when they can’t get kills considering that’s her only purpose on the team.

I keep hearing that double sniper with Widow is meta in Rivals, no? I haven’t played it myself.

If it is, it’s because Hawkeye is really stupid. If you’re bad at Hanzo, you’ll be good at Hawkeye.


There are people bad at Hanzo? :joy:

That’s the worst part about it!

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It’s not really like a Bap immo. I don’t think he can throw it like that. He can save someone if they happen to be standing on his clone things. Idk I haven’t really seen it save a black widow the way you say lol.